Is Training Working Memory in Children with Learning Disabilities a Viable Solution? A Systematic Review.

Priya Srikanth Rao, Manoj K Pandey, Prabha Mishra, Seema Deshmukh, Masroor Jahan, Shivananda Manohar J
Author Information
  1. Priya Srikanth Rao: Department of Clinical Psychology, JSS Medical College, JSS AHER, Mysuru, Karnataka, India. ORCID
  2. Manoj K Pandey: Department of Clinical Psychology, JSS Medical College, JSS AHER, Mysuru, Karnataka, India. ORCID
  3. Prabha Mishra: Department of Clinical Psychology, JSS Medical College, JSS AHER, Mysuru, Karnataka, India.
  4. Seema Deshmukh: Department of Pediatric and Preventive Dentistry, JSS Dental College & Hospital, JSS AHER, Mysuru, Karnataka, India.
  5. Masroor Jahan: Department. of Clinical Psychology, RINPAS, Kanke, Ranchi, Jharkhand, India.
  6. Shivananda Manohar J: Department of Psychiatry, JSS Medical College, JSS AHER, Mysuru, Karnataka, India. ORCID


Background: Working memory (WM) is one of the most influential cognitive functions in encoding, registering, and retrieving information. It influences the learning process in children. Its role becomes essential, especially in a child with a learning disability (LD). Researchers worldwide are giving much prominence to WM, especially in devising cognitive retraining strategies for better cognitive functioning and academic attainment in these children. This current study aims to explore globally used instruments to measure this construct and review effective WM training models in the cognitive rehabilitation of children with LD. This study used a systematic review, availing the elaborate "Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analysis (PRISMA)" guidelines.
Summary: The databases of Google Scholar, PubMed, and Web of Science were searched thoroughly, and those studies, which met the inclusion criteria, were considered for this review. Out of 770 studies found with keywords, only six met the inclusion criteria and were selected for a detailed analysis. The outcome of the current review provides trustworthy evidence of poor performance, especially in tasks involving verbal and executive WM in children with all types of learning disabilities (LD) and difficulties. The studies reviewed support the hypothesis that WM can improve with training and significantly improve children's academic attainment.
Key Message: Further this review recommends that research and efforts must go into devising these cognitive training techniques. Children have high cerebral plasticity; hence, using cognitive training (emphasizing WM training and other cognitive functions) with them would enhance their cognitive functioning and capacity, improving their academic performance.



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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0cognitiveWMtrainingchildrenreviewlearningespeciallyLDacademicstudiesWorkingmemoryfunctionsdevisingfunctioningattainmentcurrentstudyusedSystematicmetinclusioncriteriaperformanceimproveChildrenLearningDisabilitiesBackground:oneinfluentialencodingregisteringretrievinginformationinfluencesprocessrolebecomesessentialchilddisabilityResearchersworldwidegivingmuchprominenceretrainingstrategiesbetteraimsexploregloballyinstrumentsmeasureconstructeffectivemodelsrehabilitationsystematicavailingelaborate"PreferredReportingItemsReviewsMeta-analysisPRISMA"guidelinesSummary:databasesGoogleScholarPubMedWebSciencesearchedthoroughlyconsidered770foundkeywordssixselecteddetailedanalysisoutcomeprovidestrustworthyevidencepoortasksinvolvingverbalexecutivetypesdisabilitiesdifficultiesreviewedsupporthypothesiscansignificantlychildren'sKeyMessage:recommendsresearcheffortsmustgotechniqueshighcerebralplasticityhenceusingemphasizingenhancecapacityimprovingTrainingMemoryViableSolution?Revieweffectivenessworking

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