The Problem With National Institute of Standards and Technology Thermodynamics Tables in Continuum Mechanics.

Gerard A Ateshian, Jay J Shim, Raphael J Kepecs, Arvind Narayanaswamy, Jeffrey A Weiss
Author Information
  1. Gerard A Ateshian: Department of Mechanical Engineering, Columbia University, New York, NY 10027.
  2. Jay J Shim: Department of Mechanical Engineering, Columbia University, New York, NY 10027.
  3. Raphael J Kepecs: Department of Mechanical Engineering, Columbia University, New York, NY 10027.
  4. Arvind Narayanaswamy: Department of Mechanical Engineering, Columbia University, New York, NY 10027.
  5. Jeffrey A Weiss: Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT 84112.


Thermodynamics is a fundamental topic of continuum mechanics and biomechanics, with a wide range of applications to physiological and biological processes. This study addresses two fundamental limitations of current thermodynamic treatments. First, thermodynamics tables distributed online by the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) report properties of fluids as a function of absolute temperature T and absolute pressure P. These properties include mass density ��, specific internal energy u, enthalpy h=u+P/��, and entropy s. However, formulations of jump conditions across phase boundaries derived from Newton's second law of motion and the first law of thermodynamics employ the gauge pressure p=P-Pr, where Pr is an arbitrarily selected referential absolute pressure. Interchanging p with P is not innocuous as it alters tabulated NIST values for u while keeping h and s unchanged. Using p for functions of state and governing equations solves the problem with using NIST entries for the specific internal energy u in standard thermodynamics tables and analyses of phase transformation in continuum mechanics. Second, constitutive models for the free energy of fluids, such as water and air, are not typically provided in standard thermodynamics treatments. This study proposes a set of constitutive models and validates them against suitably modified NIST data.


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  1. R01 GM083925/NIGMS NIH HHS

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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0thermodynamicsNISTabsolutepressureenergyuThermodynamicsfundamentalcontinuummechanicsstudytreatmentstablesNationalInstituteStandardsTechnologypropertiesfluidsPspecificinternalsphaselawpstandardconstitutivemodelstopicbiomechanicswiderangeapplicationsphysiologicalbiologicalprocessesaddressestwolimitationscurrentthermodynamicFirstdistributedonlineUSreportfunctiontemperatureTincludemassdensity��enthalpyh=u+P/��entropyHoweverformulationsjumpconditionsacrossboundariesderivedNewton'ssecondmotionfirstemploygaugep=P-PrPrarbitrarilyselectedreferentialInterchanginginnocuousalterstabulatedvalueskeepinghunchangedUsingfunctionsstategoverningequationssolvesproblemusingentriesanalysestransformationSecondfreewaterairtypicallyprovidedproposessetvalidatessuitablymodifieddataProblemTablesContinuumMechanics

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