Cutaneous Cryptococcosis Manifested as a Large Cystic Mass: A Rare Manifestation of Cryptococcus Infection.

Zain Amar, Muneeb Rehman, Yasir Ahmed
Author Information
  1. Zain Amar: Infectious Diseases, Ascension St. John Hospital, Tulsa, USA.
  2. Muneeb Rehman: Infectious Diseases, Ascension St. John Hospital, Tulsa, USA.
  3. Yasir Ahmed: Infectious Diseases, Ascension St. John Medical Center, Tulsa, USA.


Cryptococcus infection is an invasive fungal infection common in immunocompromised hosts, especially in organ transplant recipients and in patients with HIV. Its presentation varies from localized skin lesions to systemic disseminated infection involving the lungs and the central nervous system (CNS). We present the case of a 50-year-old woman with diabetes mellitus type 2 (DM-2), end-stage renal disease (ESRD) status post deceased donor kidney transplantation seven and a half years ago who presented with a low-grade fever, cough, nausea, vomiting, and a large cystic mass on the right foot. A CT scan of the chest showed a 14 mm cavitary lesion in the middle lobe of the right lung. Serum and cerebrospinal fluid cryptococcal antigens were detected. MRI of the right foot showed a large multilocular lobulated septated cystic mass. Histopathology showed cryptococcus; the diagnosis was made as disseminated cryptococcus infection. She was treated with antifungal therapy successfully. A large cutaneous cystic mass is a rare cutaneous presentation of cryptococcus infection; clinicians should keep it in the differential diagnosis, especially in transplant recipient patients.



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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0infectioncryptococcuscysticmassdisseminatedlargerightshowedlesioncryptococcalCryptococcusespeciallytransplantpatientspresentationskinfootcavitarylungdiagnosiscutaneousinvasivefungalcommonimmunocompromisedhostsorganrecipientsHIVvarieslocalizedlesionssystemicinvolvinglungscentralnervoussystemCNSpresentcase50-year-oldwomandiabetesmellitustype2DM-2end-stagerenaldiseaseESRDstatuspostdeceaseddonorkidneytransplantationsevenhalfyearsagopresentedlow-gradefevercoughnauseavomitingCTscanchest14mmmiddlelobeSerumcerebrospinalfluidantigensdetectedMRImultilocularlobulatedseptatedHistopathologymadetreatedantifungaltherapysuccessfullyrareclinicianskeepdifferentialrecipientCutaneousCryptococcosisManifestedLargeCysticMass:RareManifestationInfectionmeningitisneoformans

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