Lifelong development in medicine: a thematic analysis of coaching goals throughout medical careers.

Ana Stojanovi��, Daan A H Fris, Lara Solms, Edwin A J van Hooft, Matthijs De Hoog, Anne P J de Pagter
Author Information
  1. Ana Stojanovi��: Department of Pediatrics, Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam, The Netherlands ORCID
  2. Daan A H Fris: Department of Pediatrics, Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam, The Netherlands. ORCID
  3. Lara Solms: Department of Work and Organizational Psychology, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. ORCID
  4. Edwin A J van Hooft: Department of Work and Organizational Psychology, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. ORCID
  5. Matthijs De Hoog: Department of Neonatal & Pediatric Intensive Care/Division of Pediatric Intensive Care, Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam, The Netherlands. ORCID
  6. Anne P J de Pagter: Department of Quality and Patient Safety, Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam, The Netherlands. ORCID


OBJECTIVES: Healthcare grapples with staff shortages and rising burnout rates for medical students, residents and specialists. To prioritise both their well-being and the delivery of high-quality patient care, it becomes imperative to deepen our understanding of physicians' developmental aims and needs. Our first aim is, therefore, to gain comprehensive insights into the specific developmental aims physicians prioritise by examining the coaching goals they set at the beginning of coaching. Since physicians face distinct roles as they advance in their careers, our second aim is to highlight similarities and differences in developmental aims and needs among individuals at various medical career stages.
DESIGN: We conducted a qualitative analysis of 2571 coaching goals. We performed an inductive thematic analysis to code one-half of coaching goals and a codebook thematic analysis for the other half. Our interpretation of the findings was grounded in a critical realist approach.
SETTING: Sixteen hospitals in the Netherlands.
PARTICIPANTS: A total of 341 medical clerkship students, 336 medical residents, 122 early-career specialists, 82 mid-career specialists and 57 late-career specialists provided their coaching goals at the start of coaching.
RESULTS: The findings revealed that coachees commonly set goals about their career and future, current job and tasks, interpersonal work relations, self-insight and development, health and well-being, nonwork aspects and the coaching process. Furthermore, the findings illustrate how the diversity of coaching goals increases as physicians advance in their careers.
CONCLUSIONS: Our findings underscore the significance of recognising distinct challenges at various career stages and the necessity for tailoring holistic support for physicians. This insight holds great relevance for healthcare organisations, enabling them to better align system interventions with physicians' needs and enhance support. Moreover, our classification of coaching goals serves as a valuable foundation for future research, facilitating a deeper exploration of how these goals influence coaching outcomes.



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MeSH Term

Students, Medical
Qualitative Research
Internship and Residency
Career Choice
Burnout, Professional

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0coachinggoalsmedicalspecialistsphysiciansanalysisfindingsdevelopmentalaimsneedscareerscareerthematichealthstudentsresidentsprioritisewell-beingphysicians'aimsetdistinctadvancevariousstagesfuturedevelopmentsupportOBJECTIVES:Healthcaregrapplesstaffshortagesrisingburnoutratesdeliveryhigh-qualitypatientcarebecomesimperativedeepenunderstandingfirstthereforegaincomprehensiveinsightsspecificexaminingbeginningSincefacerolessecondhighlightsimilaritiesdifferencesamongindividualsDESIGN:conductedqualitative2571performedinductivecodeone-halfcodebookhalfinterpretationgroundedcriticalrealistapproachSETTING:SixteenhospitalsNetherlandsPARTICIPANTS:total341clerkship336122early-career82mid-career57late-careerprovidedstartRESULTS:revealedcoacheescommonlycurrentjobtasksinterpersonalworkrelationsself-insightnonworkaspectsprocessFurthermoreillustratediversityincreasesCONCLUSIONS:underscoresignificancerecognisingchallengesnecessitytailoringholisticinsightholdsgreatrelevancehealthcareorganisationsenablingbetteralignsysteminterventionsenhanceMoreoverclassificationservesvaluablefoundationresearchfacilitatingdeeperexplorationinfluenceoutcomesLifelongmedicine:throughout&safetyworkforcehumanresourcemanagement

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