Expansive data, extensive model: Investigating discussion topics around LLM through unsupervised machine learning in academic papers and news.

Hae Sun Jung, Haein Lee, Young Seok Woo, Seo Yeon Baek, Jang Hyun Kim
Author Information
  1. Hae Sun Jung: Department of Applied Artificial Intelligence, Sungkyunkwan University, Seoul, Korea. ORCID
  2. Haein Lee: Department of Applied Artificial Intelligence, Sungkyunkwan University, Seoul, Korea. ORCID
  3. Young Seok Woo: Department of Applied Artificial Intelligence, Sungkyunkwan University, Seoul, Korea.
  4. Seo Yeon Baek: Department of Immersive Media Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University, Seoul, Korea.
  5. Jang Hyun Kim: Department of Applied Artificial Intelligence, Sungkyunkwan University, Seoul, Korea. ORCID


This study presents a comprehensive exploration of topic modeling methods tailored for large language model (LLM) using data obtained from Web of Science and LexisNexis from June 1, 2020, to December 31, 2023. The data collection process involved queries focusing on LLMs, including "Large language model," "LLM," and "ChatGPT." Various topic modeling approaches were evaluated based on performance metrics, including diversity and coherence. latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA), nonnegative matrix factorization (NMF), combined topic models (CTM), and bidirectional encoder representations from Transformers topic (BERTopic) were employed for performance evaluation. Evaluation metrics were computed across platforms, with BERTopic demonstrating superior performance in diversity and coherence across both LexisNexis and Web of Science. The experiment result reveals that news articles maintain a balanced coverage across various topics and mainly focus on efforts to utilize LLM in specialized domains. Conversely, research papers are more concise and concentrated on the technology itself, emphasizing technical aspects. Through the insights gained in this study, it becomes possible to investigate the future path and the challenges that LLMs should tackle. Additionally, they could offer considerable value to enterprises that utilize LLMs to deliver services.


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MeSH Term

Unsupervised Machine Learning

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0topicLLMdataLLMs"performanceacrossstudymodelinglanguagemodelWebScienceLexisNexisincludingmetricsdiversitycoherenceBERTopicnewstopicsutilizepaperspresentscomprehensiveexplorationmethodstailoredlargeusingobtainedJune12020December312023collectionprocessinvolvedqueriesfocusing"Large"LLM"ChatGPTVariousapproachesevaluatedbasedlatentDirichletallocationLDAnonnegativematrixfactorizationNMFcombinedmodelsCTMbidirectionalencoderrepresentationsTransformersemployedevaluationEvaluationcomputedplatformsdemonstratingsuperiorexperimentresultrevealsarticlesmaintainbalancedcoveragevariousmainlyfocuseffortsspecializeddomainsConverselyresearchconciseconcentratedtechnologyemphasizingtechnicalaspectsinsightsgainedbecomespossibleinvestigatefuturepathchallengestackleAdditionallyofferconsiderablevalueenterprisesdeliverservicesExpansiveextensivemodel:Investigatingdiscussionaroundunsupervisedmachinelearningacademic

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