Short-Term Memory Capacity Predicts Willingness to Expend Cognitive Effort for Reward.

Brandon J Forys, Catharine A Winstanley, Alan Kingstone, Rebecca M Todd
Author Information
  1. Brandon J Forys: Department of Psychology, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia V6T 1Z4, Canada ORCID
  2. Catharine A Winstanley: Department of Psychology, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia V6T 1Z4, Canada. ORCID
  3. Alan Kingstone: Department of Psychology, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia V6T 1Z4, Canada. ORCID
  4. Rebecca M Todd: Department of Psychology, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia V6T 1Z4, Canada. ORCID


We must often decide whether the effort required for a task is worth the reward. Past rodent work suggests that willingness to deploy cognitive effort can be driven by individual differences in perceived reward value, depression, or chronic stress. However, many factors driving cognitive effort deployment-such as short-term memory ability-cannot easily be captured in rodents. Furthermore, we do not fully understand how individual differences in short-term memory ability, depression, chronic stress, and reward anticipation impact cognitive effort deployment for reward. Here, we examined whether these factors predict cognitive effort deployment for higher reward in an online visual short-term memory task. Undergraduate participants were grouped into high and low effort groups ( ���=���348, ���=���81; ���=���332, ���=���92, ���=���20.37, ���=���16-42) based on decisions in this task. After completing a monetary incentive task to measure reward anticipation, participants completed short-term memory task trials where they could choose to encode either fewer (low effort/reward) or more (high effort/reward) squares before reporting whether or not the color of a target square matched the square previously in that location. We found that only greater short-term memory ability predicted whether participants chose a much higher proportion of high versus low effort trials. Drift diffusion modeling showed that high effort group participants were more biased than low effort group participants toward selecting high effort trials. Our findings highlight the role of individual differences in cognitive effort ability in explaining cognitive effort deployment choices.


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MeSH Term

Memory, Short-Term
Young Adult
Anticipation, Psychological

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0effortrewardcognitivetaskshort-termmemoryparticipantshighwhetherlowindividualdifferencesabilitydeploymenttrialsdepressionchronicstressfactorsanticipationhighereffort/rewardsquaregroupmustoftendeciderequiredworthPastrodentworksuggestswillingnessdeploycandrivenperceivedvalueHowevermanydrivingdeployment-suchability-cannoteasilycapturedrodentsFurthermorefullyunderstandimpactexaminedpredictonlinevisualUndergraduategroupedgroups���=���348���=���81���=���332���=���92���=���2037���=���16-42baseddecisionscompletingmonetaryincentivemeasurecompletedchooseencodeeitherfewersquaresreportingcolortargetmatchedpreviouslylocationfoundgreaterpredictedchosemuchproportionversusDriftdiffusionmodelingshowedbiasedtowardselectingfindingshighlightroleexplainingchoicesShort-TermMemoryCapacityPredictsWillingnessExpendCognitiveEffortReward

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