Hystero-Salphingography in current clinical practice-old flames, die hard!

Nitin P Ghonge, Sanchita Dube Ghonge
Author Information
  1. Nitin P Ghonge: Department of Radiology, Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals, New Delhi-76, India. drnitinpghonge@gmail.com. ORCID
  2. Sanchita Dube Ghonge: Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Apollo Hospital, Noida, India.


Hysterosalpingography (HSG) remains a valuable diagnostic tool in current clinical practice, offering crucial insights into endometrial cavity, fallopian tubes and the adjoining part of the pelvic peritoneal cavity. Despite the emergence of alternative imaging and non-imaging options, HSG continues to be widely utilized due to its diagnostic accuracy, cost-effectiveness, and easy accessibility. Due attention to the correct technique and optimal image interpretation will further enhance its diagnostic accuracy and precision in the work-up of patients with fertility problems.


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MeSH Term

Fallopian Tube Diseases
Infertility, Female
Practice Patterns, Physicians'

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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0diagnosticHSGcurrentclinicalcavityaccuracyHysterosalpingographyremainsvaluabletoolpracticeofferingcrucialinsightsendometrialfallopiantubesadjoiningpartpelvicperitonealDespiteemergencealternativeimagingnon-imagingoptionscontinueswidelyutilizedduecost-effectivenesseasyaccessibilityDueattentioncorrecttechniqueoptimalimageinterpretationwillenhanceprecisionwork-uppatientsfertilityproblemsHystero-Salphingographypractice-oldflamesdiehard!

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