Nicole K Marks, Charles A Cravotta, Marissa L Rossi, Camila Silva, Peleg Kremer, Steven T Goldsmith
The freshwater salinization syndrome (FSS), a concomitant watershed-scale increase in salinity, alkalinity, and major-cation and trace-metal concentrations, over recent decades, has been described for major rivers draining extensive urban areas, yet few studies have evaluated temporal and spatial FSS variations, or causal factors, at the subwatershed scale in mixed-use landscapes. This study examines the potential influence of land-use practices and wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) effluent on the export of major ions and trace metals from the mixed-use East Branch Brandywine Creek watershed in southeastern Pennsylvania, during the 2019 water year. Separate analysis of baseflow and stormflow subsets revealed similar correlations among land-use characteristics and streamwater chemistry. Positive associations between percent impervious surface cover, which ranged from 1.26 % to 21.9 % for the 13 sites sampled, and concentrations of Ca, Mg, Na, and Cl are consistent with road-salt driven reverse cation exchange and weathering of the built environment. The relative volume of upstream WWTP was correlated with Cu and Zn, which may be derived in part from corroded water-conveyance infrastructure; chloride to sulfate mass ratios (CSMR) ranged from ~6.3 to ~7.7�� the 0.5 threshold indicating serious corrosivity potential. Observed exceedances of U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Na and Cl drinking water and aquatic life criteria occurred in winter months. Finally, correlations between percent cultivated cropland and As and Pb concentrations may be explained by the persistence of agricultural pesticides that had been used historically. Study results contribute to the understanding of FSS solute origin, fate, and transport in mixed-use watersheds, particularly those in road salt-affected regions. Study results also emphasize the complexity of trace-metal source attribution and explore the potential for FSS solutes to affect human health, aquatic life, and infrastructure.