Potent synergy and sustained bactericidal activity of polymyxins combined with Gram-positive only class of antibiotics versus four Gram-negative bacteria.

Yan Wang, Jianwen Feng, Jiameng Yu, Lirong Wen, Lidan Chen, Huijie An, Weibin Xiao, Bing Zhang, Huanhuan Feng, Mou Zhou, Zhihui Jiang
Author Information
  1. Yan Wang: School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Southern Medical University, Guangzhou, 510515, China.
  2. Jianwen Feng: School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Southern Medical University, Guangzhou, 510515, China.
  3. Jiameng Yu: Graduate School, Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine, Guangzhou, 510006, China.
  4. Lirong Wen: School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Dali University, Dali, 671003, China.
  5. Lidan Chen: Department of Laboratory Medicine, General Hospital of Southern Theatre Command, Guangzhou, 510010, China.
  6. Huijie An: Department of Pharmacy, General Hospital of Southern Theatre Command, Guangzhou, 510010, China.
  7. Weibin Xiao: Department of Clinical Pharmacy, General Hospital of Southern Theatre Command, Guangzhou, 510010, China.
  8. Bing Zhang: Department of Healthcare, General Hospital of Southern Theatre Command, Guangzhou, 510010, China.
  9. Huanhuan Feng: Department of Healthcare, General Hospital of Southern Theatre Command, Guangzhou, 510010, China.
  10. Mou Zhou: Department of Blood Transfusion Medicine, General Hospital of Southern Theatre Command, Guangzhou, 510010, China.
  11. Zhihui Jiang: School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Southern Medical University, Guangzhou, 510515, China. jandsphy@163.com.


BACKGROUND: Gram-negative bacteria (GNB) are becoming increasingly resistant to a wide variety of antibiotics. There are currently limited treatments for GNB, and the combination of antibiotics with complementary mechanisms has been reported to be a feasible strategy for treating GNB infection. The inability to cross the GNB outer membrane (OM) is an important reason that a broad spectrum of Gram-positive only class of antibiotics (GPOAs) is lacking. Polymyxins may help GPOAs to permeate by disrupting OM of GNB.
OBJECTIVE: To identify what kind of GPOAs can be aided to broaden their anti-GNB spectrum by polymyxins, we systematically investigated the synergy of eight GPOAs in combination with colistin (COL) and polymyxin B (PMB) against GNB in vitro.
METHODS: The synergistic effect of COL or PMB and GPOAs combinations against GNB reference strains and clinical isolates were determined by checkerboard tests. The killing kinetics of the combinations were assessed using time-kill assays.
RESULTS: In the checkerboard tests, polymyxins-GPOAs combinations exert synergistic effects characterized by species and strain specificity. The synergistic interactions on P. aeruginosa strains are significantly lower than those on strains of A. baumannii, K. pneumoniae and E. coli. Among all the combinations, COL has shown the best synergistic effect in combination with dalbavancin (DAL) or oritavancin (ORI) versus almost all of the strains tested, with FICIs from 0.16 to 0.50 and 0.13 to���<���0.28, respectively. In addition, the time-kill assays demonstrated that COL/DAL and COL/ORI had sustained bactericidal activity.
CONCLUSIONS: Our results indicated that polymyxins could help GPOAs to permeate the OM of specific GNB, thus showed synergistic effects and bactericidal effects in the in vitro assays. In vivo combination studies should be further conducted to validate the results of this study.



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  1. 2023A1515030153/Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong Province Youth Enhancement Project
  2. 2022NZA001/Key Basic Project of General Hospital of Southern Theatre Command
  3. 2024A03J0644/Science and Technology Program of Guangzhou

MeSH Term

Drug Synergism
Anti-Bacterial Agents
Microbial Sensitivity Tests
Gram-Negative Bacteria
Polymyxin B
Gram-Negative Bacterial Infections
Pseudomonas aeruginosa


Anti-Bacterial Agents
Polymyxin B

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0GNBGPOAssynergisticantibioticscombinationcombinationsstrainsGram-negativebacteriaOMpolymyxinsCOLassayseffects0bactericidalspectrumGram-positiveclassPolymyxinshelppermeatesynergyPMBvitroeffectcheckerboardteststime-killversussustainedactivityresultsBACKGROUND:becomingincreasinglyresistantwidevarietycurrentlylimitedtreatmentscomplementarymechanismsreportedfeasiblestrategytreatinginfectioninabilitycrossoutermembraneimportantreasonbroadlackingmaydisruptingOBJECTIVE:identifykindcanaidedbroadenanti-GNBsystematicallyinvestigatedeightcolistinpolymyxinBMETHODS:referenceclinicalisolatesdeterminedkillingkineticsassessedusingRESULTS:polymyxins-GPOAsexertcharacterizedspeciesstrainspecificityinteractionsPaeruginosasignificantlylowerbaumanniiKpneumoniaeEcoliAmongshownbestdalbavancinDALoritavancinORIalmosttestedFICIs165013to���<���028respectivelyadditiondemonstratedCOL/DALCOL/ORICONCLUSIONS:indicatedspecificthusshowedvivostudiesconductedvalidatestudyPotentcombinedfourOritavancinSynergyTime-killassay

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