From PERFORM to PERFORM2Scale: lessons from scaling-up a health management strengthening intervention to support Universal Health Coverage in three African countries.

Joanna Raven, Wesam Mansour, Moses Aikins, Susan Bulthuis, Kingsley Chikaphupha, Marjolein Dieleman, Maryse Kok, Tim Martineau, Freddie Ssengooba, Kaspar Wyss, Fr��d��rique Valli��res
Author Information
  1. Joanna Raven: Department of International Public Health, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, Pembroke place, Liverpool L3 5QA, UK. ORCID
  2. Wesam Mansour: International Public Health, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, Pembroke Place, Liverpool L3 5QA, United Kingdom.
  3. Moses Aikins: School of Public Health, College of Health Sciences, University of Ghana, PO Box LG13, Legon, Accra, Ghana.
  4. Susan Bulthuis: Royal Tropical Institute, Mauritskade 63, 1092 AD, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
  5. Kingsley Chikaphupha: Reach Trust, PO Box 1597, Lilongwe, Malawi.
  6. Marjolein Dieleman: Royal Tropical Institute, Mauritskade 63, 1092 AD, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
  7. Maryse Kok: Royal Tropical Institute, Mauritskade 63, 1092 AD, Amsterdam, Netherlands. ORCID
  8. Tim Martineau: International Public Health, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, Pembroke Place, Liverpool L3 5QA, United Kingdom.
  9. Freddie Ssengooba: Department of Health Policy and Planning, School of Public Health, Makerere University, PO Box 7072, Kampala, Uganda.
  10. Kaspar Wyss: Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute & University of Basel, Kreuzstrasse 2, 4123 Allschwil, Basel, Switzerland. ORCID
  11. Fr��d��rique Valli��res: Trinity Centre for Global Health, Trinity College Dublin, 7-9 Leinster Street South, Dublin D02 K104, Ireland.


Strengthening management and leadership competencies among district and local health managers has emerged as a common approach for health systems strengthening and to achieve Universal Health Coverage (UHC). While the literature is rich with localized examples of initiatives that aim to strengthen the capacity of district or local health managers, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa, considerably less attention is paid to the science of 'how' to scale-up these initiatives. The aim of this paper is thus to examine the 'process' of scaling-up a management strengthening intervention (MSI) and identify new knowledge and key lessons learned that can be used to inform the scale-up process of other complex health interventions, in support of UHC. Qualitative methods were used to identify lessons learned from scaling-up the MSI in Ghana, Malawi and Uganda. We conducted 14 interviews with district health management team (DHMT) members, three scale-up assessments with 20 scale-up stakeholders, and three reflection discussions with 11 research team members. We also kept records of activities throughout MSI and scale-up implementation. Data were recorded, transcribed and analysed against the Theory of Change to identify both scale-up outcomes and the factors affecting these outcomes. The MSI was ultimately scaled-up across 27 districts. Repeated MSI cycles over time were found to foster greater feelings of autonomy among DHMTs to address longstanding local problems, a more innovative use of existing resources without relying on additional funding and improved teamwork. The use of 'resource teams' and the emergence of MSI 'champions' were instrumental in supporting scale-up efforts. Challenges to the sustainability of the MSI include limited government buy-in and lack of sustained financial investment.



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  1. 733360/Horizon 2020 Framework Programme

MeSH Term

Universal Health Insurance
Qualitative Research
Delivery of Health Care
Capacity Building
Interviews as Topic

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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0healthscale-upMSImanagementdistrictstrengtheninglocalscaling-upidentifylessonsteamthreeamongmanagersUniversalHealthCoverageUHCinitiativesaiminterventionlearnedusedsupportmembersoutcomesuseStrengtheningleadershipcompetenciesemergedcommonapproachsystemsachieveliteraturerichlocalizedexamplesstrengthencapacityparticularlysub-SaharanAfricaconsiderablylessattentionpaidscience'how'paperthusexamine'process'newknowledgekeycaninformprocesscomplexinterventionsQualitativemethodsGhanaMalawiUgandaconducted14interviewsDHMTassessments20stakeholdersreflectiondiscussions11researchalsokeptrecordsactivitiesthroughoutimplementationDatarecordedtranscribedanalysedTheoryChangefactorsaffectingultimatelyscaled-upacross27districtsRepeatedcyclestimefoundfostergreaterfeelingsautonomyDHMTsaddresslongstandingproblemsinnovativeexistingresourceswithoutrelyingadditionalfundingimprovedteamwork'resourceteams'emergence'champions'instrumentalsupportingeffortsChallengessustainabilityincludelimitedgovernmentbuy-inlacksustainedfinancialinvestmentPERFORMPERFORM2Scale:AfricancountriesScale-up

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