Impacts of salinity stress induced by ballast water discharge on the ecosystem of shanghai port, China.

Chenyang Duan, Lei Hu, Xiangbin Lin, Junzeng Xue, Jin Zou, Huixian Wu
Author Information
  1. Chenyang Duan: College of Oceanography and Ecological Science, Shanghai Ocean University, Shanghai, 201306, China.
  2. Lei Hu: College of Oceanography and Ecological Science, Shanghai Ocean University, Shanghai, 201306, China.
  3. Xiangbin Lin: Pudong Maritime Safety Administration, Shanghai, 200137, China.
  4. Junzeng Xue: College of Oceanography and Ecological Science, Shanghai Ocean University, Shanghai, 201306, China.
  5. Jin Zou: College of Oceanography and Ecological Science, Shanghai Ocean University, Shanghai, 201306, China.
  6. Huixian Wu: College of Oceanography and Ecological Science, Shanghai Ocean University, Shanghai, 201306, China; The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong, 999077, China. Electronic address:


Large quantities of marine ballast water discharged by ocean-going vessels can cause salinity increases in freshwater ports, which in turn negatively affects indigenous plankton in the ports. In this study, we investigated the impacts of marine ballast water discharge on the plankton community in a freshwater wharf through field surveys. It was found that salinity stress caused reductions in community indicators such as plankton community composition, abundance and diversity, thus threatening the structure and function of the plankton community in the wharf. In terms of the impact range, the salinity stress had a significant effect on all plankton in the waters near the discharge point and the phytoplankton in the waters 50 m from the discharge point, but had no significant effect on the plankton in the waters further away. Ballast water discharge also caused a significant decrease in the alpha diversity and richness of the plankton community but had no significant effect on the evenness of the plankton community. Moreover, phytoplankton were more tolerant of salinity changes than zooplankton in our study. This study provides an ecological reference for the scientific management of marine ballast water discharge and the risk of exogenous nutrient inputs to freshwater ecosystems.


MeSH Term

Salt Stress
Water Pollution
Water Pollutants
Fresh Water
Environmental Monitoring


Water Pollutants

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0planktonwaterdischargecommunityballastsalinitysignificantmarinefreshwaterstudystresseffectwatersportswharfcauseddiversitypointphytoplanktonLargequantitiesdischargedocean-goingvesselscancauseincreasesturnnegativelyaffectsindigenousinvestigatedimpactsfieldsurveysfoundreductionsindicatorscompositionabundancethusthreateningstructurefunctiontermsimpactrangenear50 mawayBallastalsodecreasealpharichnessevennessMoreovertolerantchangeszooplanktonprovidesecologicalreferencescientificmanagementriskexogenousnutrientinputsecosystemsImpactsinducedecosystemshanghaiportChinaFreshwaterMarineSalinizationSpecies-diversity

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