Complexities of implementing Maternal and Perinatal Death Surveillance and Response in crisis-affected contexts: a comparative case study.

Meighan Mary, Hannah Tappis, Elaine Scudder, Andreea A Creanga
Author Information
  1. Meighan Mary: International Health Department, Bloomberg School of Public Health, Johns Hopkins University, 615 N Wolfe St, Baltimore, MD, 21205, USA.
  2. Hannah Tappis: International Health Department, Bloomberg School of Public Health, Johns Hopkins University, 615 N Wolfe St, Baltimore, MD, 21205, USA.
  3. Elaine Scudder: International Rescue Committee, Washington, DC, USA.
  4. Andreea A Creanga: International Health Department, Bloomberg School of Public Health, Johns Hopkins University, 615 N Wolfe St, Baltimore, MD, 21205, USA.


BACKGROUND: Maternal and Perinatal Death Surveillance and Response (MPDSR) systems provide an opportunity for health systems to understand the determinants of maternal and perinatal deaths in order to improve quality of care and prevent future deaths from occurring. While there has been broad uptake and learning from low- and middle-income countries, little is known on how to effectively implement MPDSR within humanitarian contexts - where disruptions in health service delivery are common, infrastructural damage and insecurity impact the accessibility of care, and severe financial and human resource shortages limit the quality and capacity to provide services to the most vulnerable. This study aimed to understand how contextual factors influence facility-based MPDSR interventions within five humanitarian contexts.
METHODS: Descriptive case studies were conducted on the implementation of MPDSR in Cox's Bazar refugee camps in Bangladesh, refugee settlements in Uganda, South Sudan, Palestine, and Yemen. Desk reviews of case-specific MPDSR documentation and in-depth key informant interviews with 76 stakeholders supporting or directly implementing mortality surveillance interventions were conducted between December 2021 and July 2022. Interviews were recorded, transcribed, and analyzed using Dedoose software. Thematic content analysis was employed to understand the adoption, penetration, sustainability, and fidelity of MPDSR interventions and to facilitate cross-case synthesis of implementation complexities.
RESULTS: Implementation of MPDSR interventions in the five humanitarian settings varied in scope, scale, and approach. Adoption of the interventions and fidelity to established protocols were influenced by availability of financial and human resources, the implementation climate (leadership engagement, health administration and provider buy-in, and community involvement), and complex humanitarian-health system dynamics. Blame culture was pervasive in all contexts, with health providers often facing punishment or criminalization for negligence, threats, and violence. Across contexts, successful implementation was driven by integrating MPDSR within quality improvement efforts, improving community involvement, and adapting programming fit-for-context.
CONCLUSIONS: The unique contextual considerations of humanitarian settings call for a customized approach to implementing MPDSR that best serves the immediate needs of the crisis, aligns with stakeholder priorities, and supports health workers and humanitarian responders in providing care to the most vulnerable populations.



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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0MPDSRhealthhumanitarianinterventionsMaternalcontextsimplementationDeathSurveillanceunderstandqualitycarewithinimplementingmortalityPerinatalResponsesystemsprovideperinataldeathsfinancialhumanvulnerablestudycontextualfivecaseconductedrefugeesurveillancefidelitysettingsapproachcommunityinvolvementBACKGROUND:opportunitydeterminantsmaternalorderimprovepreventfutureoccurringbroaduptakelearninglow-middle-incomecountrieslittleknowneffectivelyimplement-disruptionsservicedeliverycommoninfrastructuraldamageinsecurityimpactaccessibilitysevereresourceshortageslimitcapacityservicesaimedfactorsinfluencefacility-basedMETHODS:DescriptivestudiesCox'sBazarcampsBangladeshsettlementsUgandaSouthSudanPalestineYemenDeskreviewscase-specificdocumentationin-depthkeyinformantinterviews76stakeholderssupportingdirectlyDecember2021July2022InterviewsrecordedtranscribedanalyzedusingDedoosesoftwareThematiccontentanalysisemployedadoptionpenetrationsustainabilityfacilitatecross-casesynthesiscomplexitiesRESULTS:ImplementationvariedscopescaleAdoptionestablishedprotocolsinfluencedavailabilityresourcesclimateleadershipengagementadministrationproviderbuy-incomplexhumanitarian-healthsystemdynamicsBlameculturepervasiveprovidersoftenfacingpunishmentcriminalizationnegligencethreatsviolenceAcrosssuccessfuldrivenintegratingimprovementeffortsimprovingadaptingprogrammingfit-for-contextCONCLUSIONS:uniqueconsiderationscallcustomizedbestservesimmediateneedscrisisalignsstakeholderprioritiessupportsworkersrespondersprovidingpopulationsComplexitiescrisis-affectedcontexts:comparativereviewHumanitariandeathresponseNeonatal

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