Impacts of Deicer Salt on Water Quality Performance of Stormwater Bioretention Systems with Varied Vegetation and Hydrology.

Alexander H Brown, Margaret C Hoffman, Lauren Elyse McPhillips
Author Information
  1. Alexander H Brown: Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, The Pennsylvania State University, 408 Sackett Building, University Park, Pennsylvania 16802, United States.
  2. Margaret C Hoffman: Department of Plant Science, The Pennsylvania State University, 306 Tyson Building, University Park, Pennsylvania 16802, United States.
  3. Lauren Elyse McPhillips: Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, The Pennsylvania State University, 226B Sackett Building, University Park, Pennsylvania 16802, United States. ORCID


Sodium chloride (NaCl) deicers contaminate bioretention and influence effluent water quality, the effects of which are not yet fully understood. We tested this by constructing 48 mesocosms in a greenhouse, each having , , or no vegetation; having an internal water storage (IWS) zone or not; and being exposed to high or low NaCl doses in the late winters of 2022 and 2023. Synthetic stormwater was applied and effluent was monitored through May 2023 with an end-of-experiment analysis of soil and plant biomass for Nitrogen, phosphorus, copper, zinc, and total suspended solids (TSS). Average effluent loads increased in spring, after NaCl application, for total phosphorus (+61%), copper (+61%), zinc (+88%), and TSS (+66%). These four analytes recovered by summer, with average annual percent removals >85%. Vegetation and IWS reduced annual phosphorus (by -33 and -70%, respectively) and copper (by -24 and -40%) loads, while higher NaCl concentrations increased annual phosphorus (+107%), copper (+22%), and TSS (+51%) loads. Nitrogen removal was not linked with NaCl but was dependent upon the presence of IWS or vegetation. Post-NaCl effluent spikes pose seasonal risks to aquatic ecosystems, emphasizing the need for active maintenance, redundant removal mechanisms, and minimized exposure to NaCl.


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Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0NaCleffluentphosphoruscopperIWSTSSloadsannualwatervegetation2023zinctotalincreased+61%VegetationremovalSodiumchloridedeicerscontaminatebioretentioninfluencequalityeffectsyetfullyunderstoodtestedconstructing48mesocosmsgreenhouseinternalstoragezoneexposedhighlowdoseslatewinters2022SyntheticstormwaterappliedmonitoredMayend-of-experimentanalysissoilplantbiomassnitrogensuspendedsolidsAveragespringapplication+88%+66%fouranalytesrecoveredsummeraveragepercentremovals>85%reduced-33-70%respectively-24-40%higherconcentrations+107%+22%+51%NitrogenlinkeddependentuponpresencePost-NaClspikesposeseasonalrisksaquaticecosystemsemphasizingneedactivemaintenanceredundantmechanismsminimizedexposureImpactsDeicerSaltWaterQualityPerformanceStormwaterBioretentionSystemsVariedHydrology

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