Shining Light on the Unusual: A Case Report of a Rare Presentation of Abdominal Wall Erysipelas.

Wassim Abouzeid, Nibras Yar Khan, Aharnish Patel, Nyan A Bethel, Charity Iheagwara, Jihad Slim
Author Information
  1. Wassim Abouzeid: Internal Medicine, Saint Michael's Medical Center, Newark, USA.
  2. Nibras Yar Khan: Internal Medicine, New York Medical College, Saint Michael's Medical Center, Newark, USA.
  3. Aharnish Patel: Internal Medicine, Saint Michael's Medical Center, Newark, USA.
  4. Nyan A Bethel: Internal Medicine, Saint Michael's Medical Center, Newark, USA.
  5. Charity Iheagwara: Infectious Diseases, Saint Michael's Medical Center, Newark, USA.
  6. Jihad Slim: Infectious Diseases, Saint Michael's Medical Center, Newark, USA.


We present a clinical case detailing the presentation of erysipelas in a 52-year-old immunocompetent female, wherein the infection displayed an unusual localization encompassing the skin of the anterior abdominal area and breast. The patient exhibited a favorable response to medical treatment. It is paramount to underscore the significance of recognizing such cases, which demand a heightened level of clinical suspicion to facilitate swift diagnosis and effective management strategies.



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Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0erysipelasclinicalinfectionskinabdominalstreptococcuspresentcasedetailingpresentation52-year-oldimmunocompetentfemalewhereindisplayedunusuallocalizationencompassinganteriorareabreastpatientexhibitedfavorableresponsemedicaltreatmentparamountunderscoresignificancerecognizingcasesdemandheightenedlevelsuspicionfacilitateswiftdiagnosiseffectivemanagementstrategiesShiningLightUnusual:CaseReportRarePresentationAbdominalWallErysipelaswallinfectionsgrouppyogenes

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