LogTODIM-PROMETHEE technique for development evaluation of school-enterprise cooperation from the perspective of collaborative education based on the probabilistic linguistic group decision-making.

Yuedan Hu, Chalermchai Panyadee
Author Information
  1. Yuedan Hu: School of Administrative Studies, Maejo University, 50290, Chiangmai, Thailand.
  2. Chalermchai Panyadee: School of Administrative Studies, Maejo University, 50290, Chiangmai, Thailand.


The integration of industry and education can be literally explained as the role of education in providing intellectual support and production services for the development of industries in a country or region, evolving from an auxiliary role in industrial development to a supporting role in industrial development. The government, enterprises, universities, and intermediaries are all the main bodies of industry education integration, and school enterprise cooperation is the core. The two basic functions of universities, namely "applied scientific research" and "social services", must be highlighted. How to strengthen the cultivation of applied talents and improve the quality of talent cultivation in universities is a problem that universities must face in their transformation. Strengthening school enterprise cooperation and promoting the integration of industry and education is an effective way to solve this problem. The development evaluation of school-enterprise cooperation from the perspective of collaborative education is a multiple-attribute group decision-making (MAGDM) problem. Recently, the Logarithmic TODIM (LogTODIM) and PROMETHEE technique was employed to put forward the MAGDM issues. The probabilistic linguistic term sets (PLTSs) are employed as a technique for characterizing uncertain information during the development evaluation of school-enterprise cooperation from the perspective of collaborative education. In this paper, the probabilistic linguistic LogTODIM-PROMETHEE (PL-LogTODIM-PROMETHEE) technique is constructed to put forward the MAGDM under PLTSs. The MEREC technique is employed to obtain the weight values under PLTSs. Finally, a numerical example for development evaluation of school-enterprise cooperation from the perspective of collaborative education is put forward to validate the LogTODIM-PROMETHEE technique.



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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0educationtechniquedevelopmentcooperationevaluationschool-enterpriseuniversitiesperspectivecollaborativeMAGDMlinguisticPLTSsintegrationindustryroleproblemgroupdecision-makingemployedputforwardprobabilisticLogTODIM-PROMETHEEindustrialschoolenterprisemustcultivationLogarithmicTODIMPROMETHEEtermsetscanliterallyexplainedprovidingintellectualsupportproductionservicesindustriescountryregionevolvingauxiliarysupportinggovernmententerprisesintermediariesmainbodiescoretwobasicfunctionsnamely"appliedscientificresearch""socialservices"highlightedstrengthenappliedtalentsimprovequalitytalentfacetransformationStrengtheningpromotingeffectivewaysolvemultiple-attributeRecentlyLogTODIMissuescharacterizinguncertaininformationpaperPL-LogTODIM-PROMETHEEconstructedMERECobtainweightvaluesFinallynumericalexamplevalidatebasedDevelopmentMultiple-attributeProbabilistic

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