Microbial drinking water monitoring now and in the future.

Thomas Pluym, Fien Waegenaar, Bart De Gusseme, Nico Boon
Author Information
  1. Thomas Pluym: Center for Microbial Ecology and Technology (CMET), Department of Biotechnology, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium. ORCID
  2. Fien Waegenaar: Center for Microbial Ecology and Technology (CMET), Department of Biotechnology, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium.
  3. Bart De Gusseme: Center for Microbial Ecology and Technology (CMET), Department of Biotechnology, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium.
  4. Nico Boon: Center for Microbial Ecology and Technology (CMET), Department of Biotechnology, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium.


Over time, humanity has addressed microbial water contamination in various ways. Historically, individuals resorted to producing beer to combat the issue. Fast forward to the 19th century, and we witnessed a scientific approach by Robert Koch. His groundbreaking gelatine plating method aimed to identify and quantify bacteria, with a proposed limit of 100 colony-forming units per millilitre (CFU/mL) to avoid Cholera outbreaks. Despite considerable advancements in plating techniques through experimentation with media compositions and growth temperatures, the reliance on a century-old method for water safety remains the state-of-the-art. Even though most countries succeed in producing qualitative water at the end of the production centres, it is difficult to control, and guarantee, the same quality during distribution. Rather than focusing solely on specific sampling points, we propose a holistic examination of the entire water network to ensure comprehensive safety. Current practices leave room for uncertainties, especially given the low concentrations of pathogens. Innovative methods like flow cytometry and flow cytometric fingerprinting offer the ability to detect changes in the microbiome of drinking water. Additionally, molecular techniques and emerging sequencing technologies, such as third-generation sequencing (MinION), mark a significant leap forward, enhancing detection limits and emphasizing the identification of unwanted genes rather than the unwanted bacteria/microorganisms itself. Over the last decades, there has been the realization that the drinking water distribution networks are complex ecosystems that, beside bacteria, comprise of viruses, protozoans and even isopods. Sequencing techniques to find eukaryotic DNA are necessary to monitor the entire microbiome of the drinking water distribution network. Or will artificial intelligence, big data and machine learning prove to be the way to go for (microbial) drinking water monitoring? In essence, it is time to transcend century-old practices and embrace modern technologies to ensure the safety of our drinking water from production to consumption.


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  1. 1S02022N/Fonds Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek
  2. 1S26823N/Fonds Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek
  3. S006221N/Fonds Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek

MeSH Term

Drinking Water
Water Microbiology
Environmental Monitoring


Drinking Water

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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0waterdrinkingtechniquessafetydistributiontimemicrobialproducingforwardplatingmethodbacteriacentury-oldproductionentirenetworkensurepracticesflowmicrobiomesequencingtechnologiesunwantedhumanityaddressedcontaminationvariouswaysHistoricallyindividualsresortedbeercombatissueFast19thcenturywitnessedscientificapproachRobertKochgroundbreakinggelatineaimedidentifyquantifyproposedlimit100colony-formingunitspermillilitreCFU/mLavoidCholeraoutbreaksDespiteconsiderableadvancementsexperimentationmediacompositionsgrowthtemperaturesrelianceremainsstate-of-the-artEventhoughcountriessucceedqualitativeendcentresdifficultcontrolguaranteequalityRatherfocusingsolelyspecificsamplingpointsproposeholisticexaminationcomprehensiveCurrentleaveroomuncertaintiesespeciallygivenlowconcentrationspathogensInnovativemethodslikecytometrycytometricfingerprintingofferabilitydetectchangesAdditionallymolecularemergingthird-generationMinIONmarksignificantleapenhancingdetectionlimitsemphasizingidentificationgenesratherbacteria/microorganismslastdecadesrealizationnetworkscomplexecosystemsbesidecomprisevirusesprotozoansevenisopodsSequencingfindeukaryoticDNAnecessarymonitorwillartificialintelligencebigdatamachinelearningprovewaygomonitoring?essencetranscendembracemodernconsumptionMicrobialmonitoringnowfuture

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