Detecting Somatic Insertions/Deletions (Indels) Using Tumor RNA-Seq Data.

Kohei Hagiwara, Jinghui Zhang
Author Information
  1. Kohei Hagiwara: Department of Computational Biology, St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, Memphis, TN, USA.
  2. Jinghui Zhang: Department of Computational Biology, St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, Memphis, TN, USA.


Identification of somatic indels remains a major challenge in cancer genomic analysis and is rarely attempted for tumor-only RNA-Seq due to the lack of matching normal data and the complexity of read alignment, which involves mapping of both splice junctions and indels. In this chapter, we introduce RNAIndel, a software tool designed for identifying somatic coding indels using tumor-only RNA-Seq. RNAIndel performs indel realignment and employs a machine learning model to estimate the probability of a coding indel being somatic, germline, or artifact. Its high accuracy has been validated in RNA-Seq generated from multiple tumor types.



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MeSH Term

INDEL Mutation
Computational Biology
Machine Learning
Sequence Analysis, RNA

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0RNA-Seqsomaticindelstumor-onlyRNAIndelcodingindellearningIdentificationremainsmajorchallengecancergenomicanalysisrarelyattemptedduelackmatchingnormaldatacomplexityreadalignmentinvolvesmappingsplicejunctionschapterintroducesoftwaretooldesignedidentifyingusingperformsrealignmentemploysmachinemodelestimateprobabilitygermlineartifacthighaccuracyvalidatedgeneratedmultipletumortypesDetectingSomaticInsertions/DeletionsIndelsUsingTumorDataCancerIndelMachineRealignment

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