Strategies for scaling up pre-ART advanced HIV disease screening at a secondary referral hospital-Malawi: a qualitative study.

Brany Mithi, Evanson Z Sambala, Agatha Bula, Ziliro Jere, Emily Kumilonde, Grant Gondwe, Marion M Chikuse, Simion Manda, Adamson S Muula
Author Information
  1. Brany Mithi: Diagnostic Department, Rumphi District Hospital, Rumphi, Malawi.
  2. Evanson Z Sambala: Department of Public Health, School of Global and Public Health, Kamuzu University of Health Sciences (KUHeS), Blantyre, Malawi.
  3. Agatha Bula: University of North Carolina (UNC) Project -Malawi, Lilongwe, Malawi.
  4. Ziliro Jere: Department of Public Health, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa.
  5. Emily Kumilonde: Clinical Department, Ntcheu District Hospital, Ntcheu, Malawi.
  6. Grant Gondwe: Diagnostic Department, Rumphi District Hospital, Rumphi, Malawi.
  7. Marion M Chikuse: Right To Care - Malawi, Mzuzu, Malawi.
  8. Simion Manda: ART Department, Rumphi District Hospital, PO BOX 225, Rumphi, Malawi.
  9. Adamson S Muula: Department of Public Health, School of Global and Public Health, Kamuzu University of Health Sciences (KUHeS), Blantyre, Malawi.


BACKGROUND: Implementation of the World Health Organization (WHO) recommended Advanced HIV Disease screening package, remains poor in most settings with limited resources. More than 50% of newly diagnosed-HIV clients are missed on screening as a result of implementation barriers. It is important to mitigate the existing barriers and leverage enablers' inorder to maximize uptake of the advanced HIV disease screening. This study aimed to identify strategies for scaling up implementation of advanced HIV disease screening among newly HIV-diagnosed clients in pre-ART phase using a Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research-Expert Recommendation for Implementing Change (CFIR-ERIC) guiding tool.
METHODS: A qualitative study was conducted at Rumphi district hospital in Malawi (August - September, 2023). Two sessions of Focus group discussions (FDGs) involving key stakeholders were facilitated to identify specific strategies following the initial study on exploration of barriers and facilitators of advanced HIV disease screening package. Participants comprised healthcare providers, purposively selected from key hospital departments. A deductive approach was used to analyze FDG transcripts where emerging themes were mapped with ERIC list of strategies. CFIR-ERIC Matching tool version 1.0, was used to generate an output of the most to least expert-endorsed Level 1 and Level 2 strategies.
FINDINGS: About 25 key healthcare workers participated in FDGs. Overall, 6 Level 1 strategies (������50% expert endorsement score) and 4 Level 2 strategies (������20%,���������49% expert endorsement score) were identified, targeting barriers associated with availability of resources, intervention complexity, access to knowledge and information, communication; and implementation leads. Most of the reported strategies were cross-cutting and aimed at enhancing clinical knowledge of the intervention (distributing training materials, educational meetings), developing stakeholders' interrelations (network weaving) as well as improving clinical workflow (environmental restructuring). Use of evaluative and iterative strategies such as monthly data collection for evaluation were also recommended as part of continuous improvement while an AHD coordinator was recommended to be formally appointed inorder to spearhead coordination of AHD screening services.
CONCLUSION: Through the involvement of key stakeholders and the use of CFIR-ERIC matching tool, this study has identified cross-cutting strategies that if well implemented, can help to mitigate contextual barriers and leverage enablers for an improved delivery of AHD screening package.



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MeSH Term

HIV Infections
Qualitative Research
Mass Screening
Focus Groups
Referral and Consultation

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0strategiesscreeningHIVbarriersdiseasestudyadvancedCFIR-ERICtoolkeyLevelrecommendedpackageimplementation1AHDImplementationAdvancedresourcesnewlyclientsmitigateleverageinorderaimedidentifyscalingpre-ARTqualitativehospitalFDGsstakeholdersfacilitatorshealthcareusedERICMatching2expertendorsementscoreidentifiedinterventionknowledgecross-cuttingclinicalwellBACKGROUND:WorldHealthOrganizationWHODiseaseremainspoorsettingslimited50%diagnosed-HIVmissedresultimportantexistingenablers'maximizeuptakeamongHIV-diagnosedphaseusingConsolidatedFrameworkResearch-ExpertRecommendationImplementingChangeguidingMETHODS:conductedRumphidistrictMalawiAugust-September2023TwosessionsFocusgroupdiscussionsinvolvingfacilitatedspecificfollowinginitialexplorationParticipantscomprisedproviderspurposivelyselecteddepartmentsdeductiveapproachanalyzeFDGtranscriptsemergingthemesmappedlistversion0generateoutputleastexpert-endorsedFINDINGS:25workersparticipatedOverall6������50%4������20%���������49%targetingassociatedavailabilitycomplexityaccessinformationcommunicationleadsreportedenhancingdistributingtrainingmaterialseducationalmeetingsdevelopingstakeholders'interrelationsnetworkweavingimprovingworkflowenvironmentalrestructuringUseevaluativeiterativemonthlydatacollectionevaluationalsopartcontinuousimprovementcoordinatorformallyappointedspearheadcoordinationservicesCONCLUSION:involvementusematchingimplementedcanhelpcontextualenablersimproveddeliveryStrategiessecondaryreferralhospital-Malawi:BarriersCFIRdomains

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