Green finance pilot policy and corporate environmental social responsibility: empirical evidence from China's green finance reform and innovation pilot zones.

Qianling Xie
Author Information
  1. Qianling Xie: School of Economics, Yunnan University, Wujiaying Ave., Kunming, 650500, China. ORCID


The establishment of green finance reform and innovation pilot zone (GFRIPZ) is a pivotal strategy for harmonizing the twin goals of economic prosperity and environmental preservation. By applying panel data on Chinese A-share listed firms from 2011 to 2022, this study examines the influence of China's green finance pilot policy on corporate environmental social responsibility (ESR) using a difference-in-differences (DID) model. The study's findings indicate that the green finance pilot policy promotes corporate environmental social responsibility. The results remain robust after a series of robustness tests. Moreover, mechanism analysis reveals that the pilot policy promotes firms' ESR through three key channels: financing constraints, green innovation, and corporate governance mechanisms. Additionally, analyst attention can positively moderate the promotional effect of the green finance pilot policy on corporate ESR. Furthermore, this study reveals that the green finance pilot policy's impact on corporate ESR is more pronounced among large-scale firms and firms operating in regions characterized by stringent environmental regulations and greater marketization. The empirical findings present evidence for enhancing ESR through the implementation of the green finance pilot policy in China and offer insights for refining the green finance system.



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  1. KC-23233796/Yunnan University

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Social Responsibility
Environmental Policy
Pilot Projects
Conservation of Natural Resources

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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0financepilotgreenpolicycorporateESRenvironmentalsocialinnovationfirmsresponsibilityGreenreformstudyChina'smodelfindingspromotesrevealsempiricalevidenceestablishmentzoneGFRIPZpivotalstrategyharmonizingtwingoalseconomicprosperitypreservationapplyingpaneldataChineseA-sharelisted20112022examinesinfluenceusingdifference-in-differencesDIDstudy'sindicateresultsremainrobustseriesrobustnesstestsMoreovermechanismanalysisfirms'threekeychannels:financingconstraintsgovernancemechanismsAdditionallyanalystattentioncanpositivelymoderatepromotionaleffectFurthermorepolicy'simpactpronouncedamonglarge-scaleoperatingregionscharacterizedstringentregulationsgreatermarketizationpresentenhancingimplementationChinaofferinsightsrefiningsystemresponsibility:zonesDifference-in-differencesEnvironmental

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