Nadav L Sprague, Stephen P Uong, Nora C Kelsall, Ahuva L Jacobowitz, James W Quinn, Katherine M Keyes, Andrew G Rundle
BACKGROUND: Lower socioeconomic (SES) communities are more likely to be situated in urban heat islands and have higher heat exposures than their higher SES counterparts, and this inequality is expected to intensify due to climate change.
OBJECTIVES: To examine the relationship between surface temperatures and SES in New York City (NYC) by employing a novel analytical approach. Through incorporating modifiable features, this study aims to identify potential locations where mitigation interventions can be implemented to reduce heat disparities associated with SES.
METHODS: Using the 2013-2017 American Community Survey, U.S Landsat-8 Analysis Ready Data surface temperatures (measured on 8/12/2016), and the NYC Land Cover Dataset at the census tract level (2098 tracts), this study examines the association between two components of tract-level SES (percentage of individuals living below the poverty line and the percentage of individuals without a high school degree) and summer day surface temperature in NYC. First, we examine this association with an unrestricted NYC linear regression, examining the city-wide association between the two SES facets and summer surface temperature, with additional models adjusting for altitude, shoreline, and nature-cover. Then, we assess geographic effect measure modification by employing the same models to three supplemental regression model strategies (borough-restricted and community district-restricted linear regressions, and geographically weighted regression (GWR)) that examined associations within smaller intra-city areas.
RESULTS: All regression strategies identified areas where lower neighborhood SES composition is associated with higher summer day surface temperatures. The unrestricted NYC regressions revealed widespread disparities, while the borough-restricted and community district-restricted regressions identified specific political boundaries within which these disparities existed. The GWR, addressing spatial autocorrelation, identified significant socioeconomic heat disparities in locations such as northwest Bronx, central Brooklyn, and uptown Manhattan. These findings underscore the need for targeted policies and community interventions, including equitable urban planning and cooling strategies, to mitigate heat exposure in vulnerable neighborhoods.
IMPACT STATEMENT: This study redefines previous research on urban socioeconomic disparities in heat exposure by investigating both modifiable (nature cover) and non-modifiable (altitude and shoreline) built environment factors affecting local temperatures at the census tract level in New York City. Through a novel analytical approach, the research aims to highlight intervention opportunities to mitigate heat disparities related to socioeconomic status. By examining the association between surface temperatures and socioeconomic status, as well as investigating different geographic and governmental scales, this study offers actionable insights for policymakers and community members to address heat exposure inequalities effectively across different administrative boundaries. The objective is to pinpoint potential sites for reducing socioeconomic heat exposure disparities at various geographic and political levels.