Effect of biogenic bismuth nanoparticle on the expression of New Delhi metallo-��-lactamase (NDM) gene in Multidrug-Resistant .

Amin Sadeghi Dousari, Mojtaba Shakibaie, Hossein Hosseini-Nave, Hamid Forootanfar
Author Information
  1. Amin Sadeghi Dousari: Medical Mycology and Bacteriology Research Center, Kerman University of Medical Sciences, Kerman, Iran.
  2. Mojtaba Shakibaie: Department of Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, Faculty of Pharmacy, Kerman University of Medical Sciences, Kerman, Iran.
  3. Hossein Hosseini-Nave: Department of Microbiology and Virology, School of Medicine, Kerman University of Medical Sciences, Kerman, Iran.
  4. Hamid Forootanfar: Department of Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, Faculty of Pharmacy, Kerman University of Medical Sciences, Kerman, Iran.


Aim and background: The emergence of Multidrug-Resistant is a global concern due to high mortality and treatment challenges. One of the most important genes for resistance is NDM, which makes the organism resistant to most antibiotics. Today, the use of nanoparticles as therapeutic options has stimulated researchers around the world to investigate its effects. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of biosynthesized bismuth nanoparticles (Bi NPs) on the expression of NDM genes in multidrug-resistant .
Materials and methods: In this study, 5 multidrug-resistant clinical isolates from patients referred to Afzalipour Hospital in Kerman, Iran, were used. Antibiotic sensitivity test was performed by disc diffusion method. The presence of the NDM gene was checked in isolates using a PCR reaction. The isolates containing the NDM gene were exposed to the biosynthesized and characterized bismuth nanoparticles, and the effects on the expression of the NDM gene was investigated using real-time PCR.
Results: The results showed that 3 isolates of had NDM genes. In TEM and SEM analysis showed that the nanoparticles had a spherical structure and an average size of 22.36 nm. The investigation of biogenic Bi NPs on the expression of the NDM gene demonstrated that the samples treated with bismuth nanoparticles decreased the expression of the NDM gene by 1.6 times compared to the control group (p < 0.011).
Conclusion: Our findings showed that biosynthesized Bi NPs have a high potential to deal with antibiotic resistance genes and can be a promising for treatment.



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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0NDMgenenanoparticlesexpressiongenesbismuthisolateseffectsbiosynthesizedBiNPsshowedMultidrug-Resistanthightreatmentresistanceinvestigatestudymultidrug-resistantusingPCRbiogenicnanoparticleNewDelhimetallo-��-lactamaseAimbackground:emergenceglobalconcernduemortalitychallengesOneimportantmakesorganismresistantantibioticsTodayusetherapeuticoptionsstimulatedresearchersaroundworldaimMaterialsmethods:5clinicalpatientsreferredAfzalipourHospitalKermanIranusedAntibioticsensitivitytestperformeddiscdiffusionmethodpresencecheckedreactioncontainingexposedcharacterizedinvestigatedreal-timeResults:results3TEMSEManalysissphericalstructureaveragesize2236 nminvestigationdemonstratedsamplestreateddecreased16timescomparedcontrolgroupp < 0011Conclusion:findingspotentialdealantibioticcanpromisingEffectBiosynthesisBismuthKlebsiellapneumoniae

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