Community-Based Mental Health Challenges and Implications: Examining Factors Influencing Distress and Help-Seeking Behaviors among Korean American Church Leaders and Members in Greater Los Angeles.

Kelly Baek, Christi Bell, Susanne B Montgomery, Larry Ortiz, Akinchita Kumar, Qais Alemi
Author Information
  1. Kelly Baek: 1898 Business Center Drive, Department of Social Work & Social Ecology, School of Behavioral Health, Loma Linda University, San Bernardino, CA 92408, USA.
  2. Christi Bell: 1898 Business Center Drive, Department of Social Work & Social Ecology, School of Behavioral Health, Loma Linda University, San Bernardino, CA 92408, USA. ORCID
  3. Susanne B Montgomery: 1898 Business Center Drive, Department of Social Work & Social Ecology, School of Behavioral Health, Loma Linda University, San Bernardino, CA 92408, USA. ORCID
  4. Larry Ortiz: 1898 Business Center Drive, Department of Social Work & Social Ecology, School of Behavioral Health, Loma Linda University, San Bernardino, CA 92408, USA.
  5. Akinchita Kumar: 1898 Business Center Drive, Department of Social Work & Social Ecology, School of Behavioral Health, Loma Linda University, San Bernardino, CA 92408, USA.
  6. Qais Alemi: 1898 Business Center Drive, Department of Social Work & Social Ecology, School of Behavioral Health, Loma Linda University, San Bernardino, CA 92408, USA. ORCID


There is limited research on the factors that impact mental distress among Korean American (KA) church leaders even though their unique social situation can create many barriers to seeking mental health assistance. This study compared factors impacting mental distress and help-seeking behaviors between KA church leaders (CLs) and church members (CMs) in the greater Los Angeles area. The respondents ( = 243) were mostly female, married, educated, first-generation immigrants with a mean age of 47.9 years ( = 19.7). The Hopkins Symptoms Checklist 10 was used to measure anxiety and depression. Hierarchal linear regressions showed that health status exerted the strongest effect on both anxiety and depression among CLs and CMs. Beyond health status, education (only for depression), informal resource use, and resiliency impacted mental distress scores for CLs. Only resiliency and religious coping predicted depression scores among CMs. To effectively reach this population, community-based organizations and behavioral health specialists should consider collaborating with churches to promote and provide essential mental health support. Our findings also highlight that the needs of church leaders (CLs) and church members (CMs) differ, which should guide the development of culturally tailored interventions that build on the resilience of both groups.



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MeSH Term

Middle Aged
Los Angeles
Mental Health
Help-Seeking Behavior
Stress, Psychological

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0mentalhealthchurchdepressionamongleadersCLsCMsdistressKoreanAmericananxietyfactorsKAmembersLosAngeles=statusresiliencyscorescommunity-basedchurcheslimitedresearchimpacteventhoughuniquesocialsituationcancreatemanybarriersseekingassistancestudycomparedimpactinghelp-seekingbehaviorsgreaterarearespondents243mostlyfemalemarriededucatedfirst-generationimmigrantsmeanage479years197HopkinsSymptomsChecklist10usedmeasureHierarchallinearregressionsshowedexertedstrongesteffectBeyondeducationinformalresourceuseimpactedreligiouscopingpredictedeffectivelyreachpopulationorganizationsbehavioralspecialistsconsidercollaboratingpromoteprovideessentialsupportfindingsalsohighlightneedsdifferguidedevelopmentculturallytailoredinterventionsbuildresiliencegroupsCommunity-BasedMentalHealthChallengesImplications:ExaminingFactorsInfluencingDistressHelp-SeekingBehaviorsChurchLeadersMembersGreaterChristianspromotion

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