[Smoking cessation during pregnancy].

V Peyronnet, A-L Le Faou, I Berlin
Author Information
  1. V Peyronnet: Service de gyn��cologue-obst��trique, h��pital Louis-Mourier, AP-HP, Colombes, France. Electronic address: violaine.peyronnet@aphp.fr.
  2. A-L Le Faou: Centre ambulatoire d'addictologie, h��pital europ��en Georges-Pompidou, centre - universit�� Paris-Cit��, AP-HP, Paris, France.
  3. I Berlin: D��partement de pharmacologie m��dicale, h��pital Piti��-Salp��tri��re, Sorbonne universit��, Paris, France.


smoking during pregnancy is associated with negative pregnancy and perinatal health outcomes. Physiological and societal particularities can modify the smoking behavior of pregnant women. Pregnancy is a teachable moment for smoking cessation. Increased nicotine clearance may lead to exacerbated tobacco withdrawal symptoms and desire to smoke, which need to be taken into account when helping pregnant smokers to quit. Although most pregnant smokers try to quit on their own, 12% of pregnant women in France reported smoking in 2021 during the 3 trimester of pregnancy. Health care professionals should screen for tobacco consumption and assess the level of addiction. Management of smoking cessation can be multidisciplinary, including non-pharmacological support such as counselling, behavioral support, financial reward contingent on abstinence, and medication (nicotine replacement therapies). Assessment and limitation of secondhand smoke exposure (SHS) is needed because SHS can also have negative maternal and fetal consequences. Management of relapse during the postpartum period is also to be anticipated; in 2021, it concerned 22.4% of women who had stopped smoking during pregnancy. While electronic cigarette use is increasing overall and among pregnant women who smoke (5.4 before pregnancy, 1.3% during the 3rd trimester in 2021), well-conducted smoking cessation studies are necessary to assess its benefits and potential risks in this specific group of smokers.


MeSH Term

Pregnancy Complications
Smoking Cessation
Tobacco Smoke Pollution
Tobacco Use Cessation Devices


Tobacco Smoke Pollution

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0pregnancysmokingpregnantcessationwomenSmokingcansmokesmokers2021negativenicotinetobaccoquittrimesterassessManagementsupportSHSalsopendantlagrossesseassociatedperinatalhealthoutcomesPhysiologicalsocietalparticularitiesmodifybehaviorPregnancyteachablemomentIncreasedclearancemayleadexacerbatedwithdrawalsymptomsdesireneedtakenaccounthelpingAlthoughtry12%Francereported3Healthcareprofessionalsscreenconsumptionleveladdictionmultidisciplinaryincludingnon-pharmacologicalcounsellingbehavioralfinancialrewardcontingentabstinencemedicationreplacementtherapiesAssessmentlimitationsecondhandexposureneededmaternalfetalconsequencesrelapsepostpartumperiodanticipatedconcerned224%stoppedelectroniccigaretteuseincreasingoverallamong5413%3rdwell-conductedstudiesnecessarybenefitspotentialrisksspecificgroup[Smokingpregnancy]Effetspr��-etpostnatauxPre-post-nataleffectsSevragetabagiqueTabagisme

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