Correlates of Current Methamphetamine Use and Opioid Co-Use Among Latina Women in a Low-Income Community.

J Frankeberger, T Perdue, E Ramirez, A Valdez, A Cepeda
Author Information
  1. J Frankeberger: Department of Pediatrics, University of California San Diego, San Diego, CA, USA.
  2. T Perdue: John Glenn College of Public Affairs, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, USA.
  3. E Ramirez: Suzanne Dworak-Peck School of Social Work, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, USA.
  4. A Valdez: Suzanne Dworak-Peck School of Social Work, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, USA.
  5. A Cepeda: Suzanne Dworak-Peck School of Social Work, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, USA.


Using data from Proyecto SALTO, a 15-year follow-up study of a cohort of Mexican American women in a low-income community in San Antonio, Texas, this study examines emerging patterns of current methamphetamine (MA) use, including opioid co-use, among this understudied population. A bivariate analysis compared individuals with and without current MA use and identified sociodemographic correlates and co-occurring mental health and substance use. A secondary analysis compared those with current MA use, opioid use, and concurrent MA and opioid use. Nineteen percent of the sample had current MA use. MA use was associated with having a lower income (OR���=���7.04-1.93, ���=���1.59-5.46), residential instability (OR���=���5.19, ���=���1.99), and suicidal ideation (OR���=���2.62, ���=���0.93). Participants with MA use had more than four times the odds of using opioids than those without MA use. Women with concurrent MA and opioid use differed in sociodemographics and behavioral risks compared to those with only MA or only opioid use. These findings explore the social, mental health, and structural inequities that exacerbate risks and harms associated with high-risk substance use among marginalized Latino populations. Prevention and intervention strategies should adopt a holistic approach that considers and addresses polysubstance use, mental health, and the sociocultural contexts in which individuals live.



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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0useMAopioidcurrentmentalhealthcomparedstudywomenamonganalysisindividualswithoutsubstanceconcurrentassociated93���=���1opioidsWomenriskspolysubstanceMethamphetamineUsingdataProyectoSALTO15-yearfollow-upcohortMexicanAmericanlow-incomecommunitySanAntonioTexasexaminesemergingpatternsmethamphetamineincludingco-useunderstudiedpopulationbivariateidentifiedsociodemographiccorrelatesco-occurringsecondaryNineteenpercentsamplelowerincomeOR���=���704-159-546residentialinstabilityOR���=���51999suicidalideationOR���=���262���=���0Participantsfourtimesoddsusingdifferedsociodemographicsbehavioralfindingsexploresocialstructuralinequitiesexacerbateharmshigh-riskmarginalizedLatinopopulationsPreventioninterventionstrategiesadoptholisticapproachconsidersaddressessocioculturalcontextsliveCorrelatesCurrentUseOpioidCo-UseAmongLatinaLow-IncomeCommunityLatino/a

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