Origin of fecal contamination in lettuce and strawberries: From microbial indicators, molecular markers, and .

Fidson-Juarismy Vesga, Camilo Venegas, Valentina Fl��rez Martinez, Andrea C S��nchez-Alfonso, Alba Alicia Trespalacios
Author Information
  1. Fidson-Juarismy Vesga: Microbiology Department, Grupo de Biotecnolog��a ambiental e industrial (GBAI), Laboratorio Calidad Microbiol��gica de Aguas y Lodos (CMAL), Science Faculty, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogot��, Colombia. Carrera 7 No. 43 - 82, Bogot��, 110231, Colombia.
  2. Camilo Venegas: Microbiology Department, Grupo de Biotecnolog��a ambiental e industrial (GBAI), Laboratorio Calidad Microbiol��gica de Aguas y Lodos (CMAL), Science Faculty, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogot��, Colombia. Carrera 7 No. 43 - 82, Bogot��, 110231, Colombia.
  3. Valentina Fl��rez Martinez: Microbiology Department, Grupo de Biotecnolog��a ambiental e industrial (GBAI), Laboratorio Calidad Microbiol��gica de Aguas y Lodos (CMAL), Science Faculty, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogot��, Colombia. Carrera 7 No. 43 - 82, Bogot��, 110231, Colombia.
  4. Andrea C S��nchez-Alfonso: Corporaci��n Aut��noma Regional de Cundinamarca, Avenida Calle 24 (Esperanza) # 60 - 50, Centro Empresarial Gran Estaci��n, Costado Esfera Pisos 6-7, Bogot��, 111321, Colombia.
  5. Alba Alicia Trespalacios: Microbiology Department, Infectious Diseases Research Group, Science Faculty, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogot��, Colombia, Carrera 7 No. 43-82, Bogot��, 110231, Colombia, Bogot��, Colombia.


Around 2 billion people utilize a water source contaminated with fecal-origin microorganisms, used for both human consumption and irrigation of crops. In Colombia, the water from the Bogot�� River is employed for irrigating agricultural products, including raw-consumption foods like strawberries and lettuce. This poses a risk to the end consumer, as these foods are marketed as fresh products ready for direct consumption without undergoing any disinfection or cooking treatment. The aim of this study was to determine the origin of fecal contamination in strawberries and lettuce irrigated with surface waters from Cundinamarca, Colombia, using non-human and human molecular markers, along with (. A total of 50 samples were collected, 25 of strawberries and 25 of lettuce, taken from crops, markets, and supermarkets. Microbiological indicators (bacterial and viral) were detected through cultivation techniques, and Microbial Source Tracking (MST) markers and were detected through PCR. The results of our study demonstrate the presence of (12.5 %), Enterococcus (���25 %), spores and vegetative forms of (���37.5 %), coliphages (12.5 %), and sp. (���12.5 %), in both strawberries and lettuce. In the different samples analyzed, molecular markers were detected to differentiate the source of fecal contamination above 12.5 % (HF187, CF128, ADO and DEN) and between 0 % and 25 %, highlighting deficiencies in the production chain. of food, and the risks they pose to food security. Highlighting deficiencies in the food production chain and the risks they pose to food safety.



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Word Cloud

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