Assessing a machine learning-based downscaling framework for obtaining 1km daily precipitation from GPM data.

Tao Sun, Nana Yan, Weiwei Zhu, Qifeng Zhuang
Author Information
  1. Tao Sun: College of Geomatics Science and Technology, Nanjing Tech University, Nanjing, 211816, China.
  2. Nana Yan: Key Laboratory of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth, Aerospace Information Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Beijing 100101, China.
  3. Weiwei Zhu: Key Laboratory of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth, Aerospace Information Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Beijing 100101, China.
  4. Qifeng Zhuang: College of Geomatics Science and Technology, Nanjing Tech University, Nanjing, 211816, China.


Hydro-meteorological monitoring through satellites in arid and semi-arid regions is constrained by the coarse spatial resolution of precipitation data, which impedes detailed analyses. The objective of this study is to evaluate various machine learning techniques for developing a downscaling framework that generates high spatio-temporal resolution precipitation products. Focusing on the Hai River Basin, we evaluated three machine learning approaches-Extreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost), Random Forest (RF), and Back Propagation (BP) neural networks. These methods integrate environmental variables including land surface temperature (LST), Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), Digital Elevation Model (DEM), Precipitable Water Vapor (PWV), and albedo, to downscale the 0.1�� spatial resolution Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) product to a 1 km resolution. We further refined the results with residual correction and calibration using terrestrial rain gauge data. Subsequently, utilizing the 1 km annual precipitation, we employed the moving average window method to derive monthly and daily precipitation. The results demonstrated that the XGBoost method, calibrated with Geographical Difference Analysis (GDA) and Kriging spatial interpolation, proved to be the most accurate, achieving a Mean Absolute Error (MAE) of 58.40 mm for the annual product, representing a 14 % improvement over the original data. The monthly and daily products achieved MAE values of 11.61 mm and 1.79 mm, respectively, thus enhancing spatial resolution while maintaining accuracy comparable to the original product. In the Hai River Basin, key factors including longitude, latitude, DEM, LST_night, and PWV demonstrated greater importance and stability than other factors, thereby enhancing the model's precipitation prediction capabilities. This study provides a comprehensive assessment of the annual, monthly, and daily high-temporal and high-spatial resolution downscaling processes of precipitation, serving as an important reference for hydrology and related fields.



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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0precipitationresolutionspatialdatadownscalingdailymachinelearningframeworkproductannualmonthlystudyproductsHaiRiverBasinXGBoostincludingDifferenceDEMPWVGPM1 kmresultsmethoddemonstratedMAEoriginalenhancingfactorsHydro-meteorologicalmonitoringsatellitesaridsemi-aridregionsconstrainedcoarseimpedesdetailedanalysesobjectiveevaluatevarioustechniquesdevelopinggenerateshighspatio-temporalFocusingevaluatedthreeapproaches-ExtremeGradientBoostingRandomForestRFBackPropagationBPneuralnetworksmethodsintegrateenvironmentalvariableslandsurfacetemperatureLSTNormalizedVegetationIndexNDVIDigitalElevationModelPrecipitableWaterVaporalbedodownscale01��GlobalPrecipitationMeasurementrefinedresidualcorrectioncalibrationusingterrestrialraingaugeSubsequentlyutilizingemployedmovingaveragewindowderivecalibratedGeographicalAnalysisGDAKriginginterpolationprovedaccurateachievingMeanAbsoluteError5840 mmrepresenting14 %improvementachievedvalues1161 mm179 mmrespectivelythusmaintainingaccuracycomparablekeylongitudelatitudeLST_nightgreaterimportancestabilitytherebymodel'spredictioncapabilitiesprovidescomprehensiveassessmenthigh-temporalhigh-spatialprocessesservingimportantreferencehydrologyrelatedfieldsAssessinglearning-basedobtaining1kmDownscalingFeaturefactorMachineSpatiotemporal

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