Global geopolitical risk and corporate ESG performance.

Yong Jiang, Tony Klein, Yi-Shuai Ren, Duy Duong
Author Information
  1. Yong Jiang: School of Finance, Nanjing Audit University, Nanjing, China. Electronic address:
  2. Tony Klein: Faculty of Business and Economics, Technische Universit��t Chemnitz, Germany. Electronic address:
  3. Yi-Shuai Ren: School of Public Administration, Hunan University, China; Key Laboratory of High-Performance Distributed Ledger Technology and Digital Finance (Hunan University), Ministry of Education, China; Research Institute of Digital Society and Blockchain, Hunan University, China; Center for Resource and Environmental Management, Hunan University, China; The Energy Centre, University of Auckland, 12 Grafton Rd, Auckland, 1010, New Zealand. Electronic address:
  4. Duy Duong: University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City, Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam. Electronic address:


This study investigates whether and how the global geopolitical risk (GPR) impacts the environmental, social, and governance (ESG) performance of Chinese enterprises utilizing panel data of Chinese A-share listed enterprises from 2011 to 2020. The findings show that enterprises' ESG performance is negatively impacted by the global GPR. According to heterogeneity analysis, the global GPR has a more detrimental effect on ESG performance in non-state-owned enterprises, enterprises in the decline period, enterprises with higher institutional investor shareholdings, and enterprises without political connections. Additional mechanism analysis reveals that global GPR primarily weakens Chinese enterprises' ESG performance by increasing their financing constraints and reducing competitiveness. . In conclusion, our main findings are still valid after addressing endogeneity-related concerns and doing robustness tests.


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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0ESGperformanceenterprisesglobalGPRriskChinesegeopoliticalgovernancefindingsenterprises'analysisstudyinvestigateswhetherimpactsenvironmentalsocialutilizingpaneldataA-sharelisted20112020shownegativelyimpactedAccordingheterogeneitydetrimentaleffectnon-state-owneddeclineperiodhigherinstitutionalinvestorshareholdingswithoutpoliticalconnectionsAdditionalmechanismrevealsprimarilyweakensincreasingfinancingconstraintsreducingcompetitivenessconclusionmainstillvalidaddressingendogeneity-relatedconcernsrobustnesstestsGlobalcorporateChinaCorporateGeopolitical

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