A Survey of Practice and Factors Affecting Physiotherapist-Led Health Promotion for People at Risk or with Cardiovascular Disease in Cameroon.

Etienne Ngeh Ngeh, Sionnadh McLean, Christopher Kuaban, Rachel Young, Joanne Lidster
Author Information
  1. Etienne Ngeh Ngeh: Research Organization for Health Education and Rehabilitation-Cameroon (ROHER-CAM), Mankon, Bamenda P.O. Box 818, Cameroon.
  2. Sionnadh McLean: School of Allied Health Sciences, Charles Darwin University, Darwin, NT 0810, Australia.
  3. Christopher Kuaban: Faculty of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, University of Yaounde I, Yaounde P.O. Box 4021, Cameroon.
  4. Rachel Young: Department of Allied Health Professions, Sheffield Hallam University, L108, 36 Collegiate Crescent, Sheffield S10 2BP, UK.
  5. Joanne Lidster: Department of Allied Health Professions, Sheffield Hallam University, L108, 36 Collegiate Crescent, Sheffield S10 2BP, UK.


BACKGROUND: Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) and associated risk factors are a growing concern in Cameroon. Physiotherapists (PTs) can play a crucial role in prevention and management. However, the extent of Cameroonian PT involvement in health promotion (HP) activities remains unclear. This study assessed Cameroonian physiotherapists' current HP practices for people at risk of or with CVDs (pwCVDs).
METHODS: A cross-sectional survey was administered online to PTs practising in Cameroon.
RESULTS: Out of 181 PT responses, 95% reported providing a variety of HP activities, including weight management (74%), dietary advice (73%), physical activity (69%), smoking cessation (69%), stress management (61%), and sleep promotion (48%). While PTs were confident in lifestyle assessments, they felt less confident about sleep interventions. Strong beliefs, confidence, team support, and time allocation enhanced HP practice. However, preference for passive modalities, patient adherence issues, organisational challenges, role ambiguity among healthcare providers, inadequate training opportunities, and the absence of established guidelines for CVD prevention negatively affect HP practice.
CONCLUSIONS: These findings highlight the challenges and opportunities for enhancing HP delivery within the physiotherapy profession in Cameroon. The findings are useful for future strategies by clinical practitioners and policy makers to address barriers and leverage facilitators effectively for scaling up HP initiatives in Cameroon.



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  1. GB599947542/Sheffield Hallam University

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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0HPCameroonriskPTsmanagementpromotionCardiovasculardiseasesCVDsfactorsrolepreventionHoweverCameroonianPThealthactivities69%sleepconfidentpracticechallengesopportunitiesfindingsphysiotherapyBACKGROUND:associatedgrowingconcernPhysiotherapistscanplaycrucialextentinvolvementremainsunclearstudyassessedphysiotherapists'currentpracticespeoplepwCVDsMETHODS:cross-sectionalsurveyadministeredonlinepractisingRESULTS:181responses95%reportedprovidingvarietyincludingweight74%dietaryadvice73%physicalactivitysmokingcessationstress61%48%lifestyleassessmentsfeltlessinterventionsStrongbeliefsconfidenceteamsupporttimeallocationenhancedpreferencepassivemodalitiespatientadherenceissuesorganisationalambiguityamonghealthcareprovidersinadequatetrainingabsenceestablishedguidelinesCVDnegativelyaffectCONCLUSIONS:highlightenhancingdeliverywithinprofessionusefulfuturestrategiesclinicalpractitionerspolicymakersaddressbarriersleveragefacilitatorseffectivelyscalinginitiativesSurveyPracticeFactorsAffectingPhysiotherapist-LedHealthPromotionPeopleRiskDiseasecardiovascular

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