Characteristics of a Successful Nurse Peer Champion in the Implementation of Innovative Digital Technologies in Hospitals: A Qualitative Study.

Olga Sophia Siebeck, Ciska Hoving
Author Information
  1. Olga Sophia Siebeck: Department of Health Promotion, Care and Public Health Research Institute, Maastricht University, P.O. Box 616, 6200 MD Maastricht, the Netherlands.
  2. Ciska Hoving: Department of Health Promotion, Care and Public Health Research Institute, Maastricht University, P.O. Box 616, 6200 MD Maastricht, the Netherlands.


Objectives: Using the Motivational Theory of Role Modelling as a framework, this study explores which attributes nurses deem essential for an effective peer champion, particularly in digital transformation processes within hospitals.
Methods: A qualitative study was conducted with semi-structured interviews. Transcripts were coded using a hybrid approach of inductive and deductive coding and analysed using thematic analysis.
Results: Ten nurses from Germany participated. The attributes most often mentioned were competence, taking on responsibility, a positive and passionate attitude, transferring knowledge and supporting aspirants in applying it, and leadership skills. Four types of champions were identified: a pragmatic and structured champion, a passionate innovator, a social and outgoing team leader, and a calm and empathetic team leader.
Conclusions: The findings largely align with the body of literature on peer champion characteristics in other populations and should therefore be used to guide peer champion application in hospitals to enhance effective implementation of innovations.
Innovation: The identification of four unique champion types offers an innovative contribution to the field. Highlighting the unique requirements of nurses when implementing innovative technologies in healthcare, this study emphasises the importance of involving end-users in the design and implementation process of new technologies, a crucial step towards a more sustainable and user-centred digital health ecosystem.



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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0championstudynursespeerRoleattributeseffectivedigitaltransformationhospitalsusingpassionatetypeschampionsteamleaderimplementationuniqueinnovativetechnologiesPeerImplementationDigitalObjectives:UsingMotivationalTheoryModellingframeworkexploresdeemessentialparticularlyprocesseswithinMethods:qualitativeconductedsemi-structuredinterviewsTranscriptscodedhybridapproachinductivedeductivecodinganalysedthematicanalysisResults:TenGermanyparticipatedoftenmentionedcompetencetakingresponsibilitypositiveattitudetransferringknowledgesupportingaspirantsapplyingleadershipskillsFouridentified:pragmaticstructuredinnovatorsocialoutgoingcalmempatheticConclusions:findingslargelyalignbodyliteraturecharacteristicspopulationsthereforeusedguideapplicationenhanceinnovationsInnovation:identificationfourofferscontributionfieldHighlightingrequirementsimplementinghealthcareemphasisesimportanceinvolvingend-usersdesignprocessnewcrucialsteptowardssustainableuser-centredhealthecosystemCharacteristicsSuccessfulNurseChampionInnovativeTechnologiesHospitals:QualitativeStudyE-healthHealthcareprofessionalsNursesmodels

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