Metabolomic fingerprinting of milk fever cows: Pre- and postpartum metabolite alterations.

Grzegorz Zwierzchowski, Guanshi Zhang, Dawid Tobolski, Roman W��jcik, David S Wishart, Burim N Ametaj
Author Information
  1. Grzegorz Zwierzchowski: Department of Agricultural, Food and Nutritional Science, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. ORCID
  2. Guanshi Zhang: Department of Agricultural, Food and Nutritional Science, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. ORCID
  3. Dawid Tobolski: Department of Large Animal Diseases and Clinic, Institute of Veterinary Medicine, Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Warsaw, Poland. ORCID
  4. Roman W��jcik: Department of Microbiology and Clinical Immunology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, Olsztyn, Poland. ORCID
  5. David S Wishart: Department of Biological and Computer Sciences, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. ORCID
  6. Burim N Ametaj: Department of Agricultural, Food and Nutritional Science, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.


BACKGROUND: Milk fever (MF), a metabolic disorder in dairy cows characterized by low blood calcium concentrations postpartum, is well-recognized clinically. However, comprehensive data on the alteration of metabolites associated with this condition remains sparse.
HYPOTHESIS: Delineate serum metabolite profiles and metabolic pathways preceding, coinciding with, and after the onset of MF.
ANIMALS: Twenty-six cows, including 20 healthy cows and 6 cows initially affected by MF. Because of culling, the number of MF-affected cows decreased to 4 at MF week, +4���weeks, and +8���weeks postpartum.
METHODS: A nested case-control longitudinal study was conducted, with blood samples collected at -8 and -4���weeks prepartum, MF week, and +4 and +8���weeks postpartum. Serum analysis utilized direct injection/liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry (DI/LC/MS/MS) techniques.
RESULTS: Key findings included the identification of diverse metabolites such as hexose, amino acids, phosphatidylcholines, lysophosphatidylcholines, and sphingomyelin, which varied between studied groups (P���<���.05). The most marked metabolic alterations were observed 4���weeks prepartum. In total, 42, 56, 38, 29, and 24 metabolites distinguished the MF group at the respective time points (P���<���.05). Additionally, 33 metabolic pathways, including amino acid, antioxidant metabolism, fatty acid degradation, and carbohydrate processing, were impacted (P���<���.05).
CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL IMPORTANCE: Metabolic disruptions in dairy cows begin several weeks before the clinical manifestation of MF and persist up to 8���weeks postpartum. These findings emphasize the complexity of MF, extending beyond only hypocalcemia and indicate the necessity for preemptive monitoring in dairy herd management.



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  1. AARI2008A100R/Genome Alberta (Calgary, AB, Canada) and ALMA (Alberta Livestock and Meat Agency Ltd., Edmonton, AB, Canada)
  2. /Minister of Science under the Regional Initiative of Excellence Program, Poland

MeSH Term

Cattle Diseases
Postpartum Period
Case-Control Studies
Longitudinal Studies
Parturient Paresis
Amino Acids
Tandem Mass Spectrometry
Chromatography, Liquid


Amino Acids

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0MFcowspostpartummetabolicdairyfevermetabolitesP���<���05bloodserummetabolitepathwaysincludingweek+8���weeksprepartumfindingsaminoalterationsacidmilkBACKGROUND:Milkdisordercharacterizedlowcalciumconcentrationswell-recognizedclinicallyHowevercomprehensivedataalterationassociatedconditionremainssparseHYPOTHESIS:DelineateprofilesprecedingcoincidingonsetANIMALS:Twenty-six20healthy6initiallyaffectedcullingnumberMF-affecteddecreased4+4���weeksMETHODS:nestedcase-controllongitudinalstudyconductedsamplescollected-8-4���weeks+4Serumanalysisutilizeddirectinjection/liquidchromatography/tandemmassspectrometryDI/LC/MS/MStechniquesRESULTS:Keyincludedidentificationdiversehexoseacidsphosphatidylcholineslysophosphatidylcholinessphingomyelinvariedstudiedgroupsmarkedobserved4���weekstotal4256382924distinguishedgrouprespectivetimepointsAdditionally33antioxidantmetabolismfattydegradationcarbohydrateprocessingimpactedCONCLUSIONSANDCLINICALIMPORTANCE:Metabolicdisruptionsbeginseveralweeksclinicalmanifestationpersist8���weeksemphasizecomplexityextendingbeyondhypocalcemiaindicatenecessitypreemptivemonitoringherdmanagementMetabolomicfingerprintingcows:Pre-DI/LC���MS/MScowmetabolomicsbiomarker

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