Peanut production in saline-alkali land of Yellow River Delta: influence of spatiotemporal changes of meteorological conditions and soil properties.

Feifei Qin, Zhihong Xin, Jianguo Wang, Jialei Zhang, Jishun Yang, Feng Guo, Zhaohui Tang, Dunwei Ci
Author Information
  1. Feifei Qin: Shandong Peanut Research Institute, Qingdao, 266100, China.
  2. Zhihong Xin: Dongying Meteorological Bureau of Shandong Province, Dongying, 257091, China.
  3. Jianguo Wang: Shandong Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Jinan, 250100, China.
  4. Jialei Zhang: Shandong Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Jinan, 250100, China.
  5. Jishun Yang: Shandong Peanut Research Institute, Qingdao, 266100, China.
  6. Feng Guo: Shandong Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Jinan, 250100, China.
  7. Zhaohui Tang: Shandong Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Jinan, 250100, China.
  8. Dunwei Ci: Shandong Peanut Research Institute, Qingdao, 266100, China.


BACKGROUND: This study clarified the synergistic relationship among annual changes to specify the changes in agro-meteorological factors, soil characteristics and peanut growth in saline-alkali land near the estuary of the Yellow River Delta. We aimed to find the key factors affecting peanut production to optimize and regulate peanut planting mode in saline alkali soil.
RESULTS: The daily average temperature from early May to late September in Lijin and Kenli was above 24 ��C, with 470-600 mm of precipitation. The sunshine duration was 7.9 h/day and 7.3 h/day and the accumulated temperature was 3742 ��C and 3809 ��C, in Lijin and Kenli, respectively. Agro-meteorological conditions were suitable for peanut growth and development with the consistent main developmental period in the two experiment regions. The best sowing period was when the soil temperature stabilized above 18 ��C in early May, and the best harvest was in mid-September. The soil volumetric water content in Lijin concentrated among 25-40%. Salt was mainly distributed in the 40-60 cm soil layers, and increased rapidly to 2.5 g kg in 0-20 cm cultivation layer in mid-May due to lack of precipitation. In Kenli experiment region, the soil volumetric water content ranged from 10 to 35%. Soil salinity was mainly distributed in the 20 cm soil layer, and the changes in salinity was little affected by precipitation. From mid-July to mid-August, the effective accumulated temperature of 5 cm soil layer was above 520 ��C in both regions, which could ensure the normal pod development. The slow dynamic growth of kernel, high unfilled pod rate (26.99%) and low shelling rate (66.0%) might be the main reasons for low peanut yield in Lijin.
CONCLUSION: Soil salinity was the main factor affecting pod development and yield. It was also a key point in optimizing the peanut planting mode in the saline alkali land of the Yellow River Delta.



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  1. 2021YFB3901303/National Key Research and Development Program of China
  2. 2023TZXD006/Key R&D Program of Shandong Province
  3. tsqn202211275/the Taishan Scholars Program
  4. SDAIT-04-05/Technical System of Peanut Industry in Shandong Province
  5. CXGC2024B13/Agricultural Science and Technology Innovation Engineering of Shandong Academy of Agricultural Sciences

MeSH Term

Crop Production



Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0soilpeanutchangeslandtemperatureLijindevelopmentsalinitygrowthYellowRiverKenliprecipitationmainlayerSoilpodyieldamongfactorssaline-alkaliDeltakeyaffectingproductionplantingmodesalinealkaliearlyMay7accumulatedAgro-meteorologicalconditionsperiodexperimentregionsbestvolumetricwatercontentmainlydistributedratelowPeanutBACKGROUND:studyclarifiedsynergisticrelationshipannualspecifyagro-meteorologicalcharacteristicsnearestuaryaimedfindoptimizeregulateRESULTS:dailyaveragelateSeptember24 ��C470-600 mmsunshineduration9 h/day3 h/day3742 ��C3809 ��Crespectivelysuitableconsistentdevelopmentaltwosowingstabilized18 ��Charvestmid-Septemberconcentrated25-40%Salt40-60 cmlayersincreasedrapidly25 gkg0-20 cmcultivationmid-Mayduelackregionranged1035%20 cmlittleaffectedmid-Julymid-Augusteffective5 cm520 ��Censurenormalslowdynamickernelhighunfilled2699%shelling660%mightreasonsCONCLUSION:factoralsopointoptimizingDelta:influencespatiotemporalmeteorologicalpropertiesconditionPodSaline-alkali

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