Minako Kataoka, Lee Ann Adam, Lauren Elizabeth Ball, Jennifer Crowley, Rachael Mira McLean
INTRODUCTION: Dentists and oral health practitioners have a potential role in supporting the prevention and management of noncommunicable diseases. However, the extent to which university education prepares practitioners to provide nutrition care is unclear. This scoping review identifies and synthesises the evidence related to university-level nutrition education provided to dental and oral health students globally.
METHODS: A scoping review identified relevant literature through search terms "dentistry," "oral health," or "oral hygiene"; "dental students" or "dental education"; "nutrition education" or "nutrition science." Articles were included that examined nutrition education in undergraduate oral health training; or nutrition knowledge, attitudes, confidence, or skills or dietary habits; experts' opinion papers; and position statements. No limitations on the publication years or languages of the articles were applied.
RESULTS: A total of 136 articles were included. Half were surveys of students (n���=���49) or academic staff (n���=���21). The remainder comprised reports of curriculum initiatives (n���=���26), opinion papers or narrative reviews (n���=���24), position statements (n���=���6), curriculum development (n���=���6) and curriculum guidelines (n���=���9). While dental and oral health students and curriculum experts overwhelmingly recognised the importance of nutrition, most studies that assessed nutrition knowledge of students revealed limited knowledge. Students were not confident in their skills to provide nutrition care. Lack of nutrition experts on teaching teams and unclear expectations about developing nutrition competencies were identified as barriers to greater nutrition education.
CONCLUSION: Nutrition education in university dental and oral health degrees is highly variable. The potential for oral health professionals of the future to promote oral health through nutrition is unrealised.