Among the Filoviridae, Marburg virus (MARV) is a biological threat for which no licensed vaccines or therapeutics are currently available. In contrast, we have licensed products for Ebola virus (EBOV), another member of the Filoviridae family. The availability of licensed medical countermeasures (MCMs) for EBOV provides an opportunity to test a key objective of many pandemic preparedness plans, which is to apply some of the same technological approaches demonstrated to be successful for one agent, EBOV, to a second agent, MARV. This chapter will discuss (1) lessons learned from EBOV outbreak responses and MCM development that are applicable to MARV MCM development, (2) the likely concept of operations for using vaccines and therapeutics against MARV, and (3) target product profiles based on the concept of operations. Finally, we will discuss the current status of the MCM pipeline for MARV and next steps to advance these countermeasures to licensure.