Christopher H Conaway, Nancy T Baker, Craig J Brown, Christopher T Green, Douglas B Kent
The US Geological Survey (USGS) is selecting and prioritizing basins, known as Integrated Water Science basins, for monitoring and intensive study. Previous efforts to aid in this selection process include a scientifically defensible and quantitative assessment of basins facing human-caused water resource challenges (Van Metre et al. in Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 192(7), 458 2020). In the present work, we explore this ranking process based on water quality considerations, specifically salinity and salinization. We selected top candidate basins to study salinity and salinization issues in 18 hydrologic regions that include 163 candidate basins. Our prioritization is based on quantitative assessment of sources of salinity, drivers of change, and receptors that must respond to those sources and drivers. Source terms represented in the prioritization include geology, depth to brackish groundwater, stream conductivity, chloride in precipitation, urban and agricultural land use, application of road salt as a deicer, and irrigation. Drivers represented in prioritization include changes in chemical weathering as a result of changes in rainwater chemistry. Receptors include measures of water stress, measurements of stream ecological health, and socioeconomic factors. In addition, we present research activities for the USGS on salinity and salinization that can be pursued in these basins including assessment of sources, pathways, and loadings; predicting and understanding changes in sources, peaks, and trends; understanding the components of salinity and mobilization of contaminants; understanding the relationship between salinization and changing ecosystems; and developing knowledge on the causes and distribution of groundwater salinity, brackish water resources, and challenges related to desalination.