Application of Online Anomaly Detection Using One-Class Classification to the Z24 Bridge.

Amro Abdrabo
Author Information
  1. Amro Abdrabo: Department of Computer Science, ETH Z��rich, 8092 Zurich, Switzerland.


The usage of anomaly detection is of critical importance to numerous domains, including structural health monitoring (SHM). In this study, we examine an online setting for damage detection in the Z24 bridge. We evaluate and compare the performance of the elliptic envelope, incremental one-class support vector classification, local outlier factor, half-space trees, and entropy-guided envelopes. Our findings demonstrate that XGBoost exhibits enhanced performance in identifying a limited set of significant features. Additionally, we present a novel approach to manage drift through the application of entropy measures to structural state instances. The study is the first to assess the applicability of one-class classification for anomaly detection on the short-term structural health data of the Z24 bridge.



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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0detectionstructuralanomalyhealthZ24monitoringstudyonlinebridgeperformanceone-classclassificationdriftusagecriticalimportancenumerousdomainsincludingSHMexaminesettingdamageevaluatecompareellipticenvelopeincrementalsupportvectorlocaloutlierfactorhalf-spacetreesentropy-guidedenvelopesfindingsdemonstrateXGBoostexhibitsenhancedidentifyinglimitedsetsignificantfeaturesAdditionallypresentnovelapproachmanageapplicationentropymeasuresstateinstancesfirstassessapplicabilityshort-termdataApplicationOnlineAnomalyDetectionUsingOne-ClassClassificationBridgeconceptsupervisedfeatureextraction

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