Arthritis Management: Patient-Reported Health Care Provider Screening, Counseling, and Recommendations for Physical Activity.

Elizabeth A Fallon, Anika L Foster, Michael A Boring, David R Brown, Erica L Odom
Author Information
  1. Elizabeth A Fallon: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Division of Population Health, Atlanta, Georgia.
  2. Anika L Foster: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Division of Population Health, Atlanta, Georgia.
  3. Michael A Boring: Chenega Services & Federal Solutions, LLC, Chesapeake, Virginia.
  4. David R Brown: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Division of Nutrition, Physical Activity and Obesity, Atlanta, Georgia.
  5. Erica L Odom: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Division of Population Health, Atlanta, Georgia.


Introduction: Little is known about the recency, correlates, and content of health care provider (HCP) counseling about physical activity (PA) among adults with arthritis.
Methods: We analyzed data from the Porter Novelli FallStyles cross-sectional survey of noninstitutionalized US adults. Among adults with arthritis, we assessed the recency of HCP counseling about PA; counseling content, including PA assessment/screening and advice/counseling; and recommendations. Data were weighted by sex, age, household income, race and ethnicity, household size, education, census region, and metropolitan status.
Results: Among adults with arthritis (n = 1,113), 16.8% received HCP counseling within the past 6 months, 9.6% received counseling between 6 months and a year ago; 27.7% received HCP counseling more than a year ago; 30.4% never received HCP counseling; and 15.5% did not recall. Prevalence of HCP counseling about PA was higher for those reporting obesity (prevalence ratio [PR] = 1.3) and chronic pain (PR = 1.2), compared with those without these conditions. The most and least common content of HCP counseling were assessment of PA level (74.7%) and receiving a physical activity prescription (6.1%), respectively. The most frequent recommendations for PA type were flexibility exercises (40.1%), aerobic activities (39.8%), specific modalities of PA (eg, swimming, walking, dancing; 38.1%), and muscle-strengthening exercises (36.6%). Only 4.4% received a recommendation for arthritis-appropriate PA programs.
Conclusion: HCP counseling about PA among adults with arthritis for arthritis symptom management is lacking in frequency, actionable content, and recommendations to engage in evidence-based PA interventions. Dissemination and implementation of policies and programs facilitating frequent high-quality HCP counseling and recommendation to PA programs for arthritis remains a public health priority.


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MeSH Term

Cross-Sectional Studies
Middle Aged
United States
Health Personnel
Young Adult

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0counselingPAHCParthritisadultsreceivedcontentrecommendations=161%programsrecencyhealthphysicalactivityamongAmonghousehold8%months6%yearago7%4%frequentexercisesrecommendationIntroduction:LittleknowncorrelatescareproviderMethods:analyzeddataPorterNovelliFallStylescross-sectionalsurveynoninstitutionalizedUSassessedincludingassessment/screeningadvice/counselingDataweightedsexageincomeraceethnicitysizeeducationcensusregionmetropolitanstatusResults:n11316withinpast92730never155%recallPrevalencehigherreportingobesityprevalenceratio[PR]3chronicpainPR2comparedwithoutconditionsleastcommonassessmentlevel74receivingprescriptionrespectivelytypeflexibility40aerobicactivities39specificmodalitiesegswimmingwalkingdancing38muscle-strengthening364arthritis-appropriateConclusion:symptommanagementlackingfrequencyactionableengageevidence-basedinterventionsDisseminationimplementationpoliciesfacilitatinghigh-qualityremainspublicpriorityArthritisManagement:Patient-ReportedHealthCareProviderScreeningCounselingRecommendationsPhysicalActivity

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