Achieving the state of Georgia 25% HIV incidence reduction target among men who have sex with men in Atlanta through expanded use of multimodal pre-exposure prophylaxis: A mathematical model.

Jeremy Fraysse, Sarah-Jane Anderson, Justin C Smith, Derrick D Matthews, Supriya Sarkar, Filipa de Aragao, Rob Blissett
Author Information
  1. Jeremy Fraysse: ViiV Healthcare, Health Outcomes, The Netherlands. ORCID
  2. Sarah-Jane Anderson: GlaxoSmithKline, Value, Evidence & Outcomes, United Kingdom.
  3. Justin C Smith: Campaign to End AIDS at Positive Impact Health Centers, Georgia, United States of America.
  4. Derrick D Matthews: Weitzman Institute, Moses/Weitzman Health System, United States of America.
  5. Supriya Sarkar: ViiV Healthcare, Epidemiology & Real-World Evidence, Durham, NC, United States of America.
  6. Filipa de Aragao: NOVA National School of Public Health, Public Health Research Centre, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal.
  7. Rob Blissett: Maple Health Group, LLC, New York, United States of America.


The US faces substantial demographic and geographic disparities in both HIV burden and access to pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP), an effective strategy to prevent HIV acquisition. Long-acting cabotegravir (CAB) is a novel, injectable PrEP option which demonstrated superior reduction in risk of HIV acquisition compared to daily-oral PrEP in the HPTN083 trial. We modelled the impact of increased PrEP initiations and the introduction of long-acting CAB on HIV incidence among men who have sex with men (MSM) in Atlanta, Georgia, a population with a high burden of HIV. The Georgia Department of Public Health has set an ambitious 25% HIV incidence reduction target, which could be reached with a daily-oral PrEP coverage of 42.2%. However, the target could be achieved at lower levels of PrEP coverage (34.6%) if a mix of PrEP modalities was used, such as an equal split of long-acting CAB PrEP and daily-oral PrEP. Our results clearly demonstrate that broadening access to new PrEP options has the potential to facilitate the achievement of public health HIV incidence reduction goals at plausible levels of PrEP coverage.


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MeSH Term

HIV Infections
Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis
Homosexuality, Male
Models, Theoretical
Anti-HIV Agents


Anti-HIV Agents

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0PrEPHIVreductionincidencemenCABdaily-oralGeorgiatargetcoverageburdenaccesspre-exposureacquisitionlong-actingamongsexAtlanta25%levelsUSfacessubstantialdemographicgeographicdisparitiesprophylaxiseffectivestrategypreventLong-actingcabotegravirnovelinjectableoptiondemonstratedsuperiorriskcomparedHPTN083trialmodelledimpactincreasedinitiationsintroductionMSMpopulationhighDepartmentPublicHealthsetambitiousreached422%Howeverachievedlower346%mixmodalitiesusedequalsplitresultsclearlydemonstratebroadeningnewoptionspotentialfacilitateachievementpublichealthgoalsplausibleAchievingstateexpandedusemultimodalprophylaxis:mathematicalmodel

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