Challenges of Contemporary Practice: Internists Maintaining Competency in Multiple Specialties.

Jason J Weiner, Steven J Durning, Anne Wildermuth
Author Information
  1. Jason J Weiner: Dr. Jason J. Weiner: Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine, F. Edward H��bert School of Medicine, Uniformed Services University, Bethesda, MD; Chair, Department of Medicine, Naval Medical Center San Diego, San Diego, CA. ORCID
  2. Steven J Durning: Dr. Jason J. Weiner: Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine, F. Edward H��bert School of Medicine, Uniformed Services University, Bethesda, MD; Chair, Department of Medicine, Naval Medical Center San Diego, San Diego, CA.
  3. Anne Wildermuth: Dr. Jason J. Weiner: Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine, F. Edward H��bert School of Medicine, Uniformed Services University, Bethesda, MD; Chair, Department of Medicine, Naval Medical Center San Diego, San Diego, CA.


INTRODUCTION: Despite increasing physician specialization, high-quality continuing professional development is needed for continual mastery learning, especially focused on multiple specialties. Board certification is considered a surrogate for competency, and some stakeholders consider it suboptimally aligned with its primary purpose. We set to explore the motivation for continued education and competence in physicians who are board certified in multiple specialties.
METHODS: We performed a qualitative study using thematic analysis. Semistructured interviews were performed virtually. Landscapes of practice, an extension of communities of practice within sociocultural learning theory, was used as a theoretical framework.
RESULTS: Fifteen internists and their related subspecialties performing continual board certification completed the study. We identified six themes describing the underlying motivation for why physicians maintain competency in multiple medical specialties: Social responsibility, Promise of expertise, Enhanced job opportunities, Widened expertise, Professional requirements, and Personal fulfillment.
DISCUSSION: The landscape of medicine continues to evolve in how it is practiced. How a physician navigates this process, maintaining their competency, is a continuous lifelong learning process, and there are multiple ways. A portion of internal medicine physicians are motivated to practice in multiple specialties, recognizing the opportunities and challenges involved. The practical application of this study would include organizational-based education focused on hybrid learning (education explicitly focusing on overlapping or cross-discipline fields). Despite a plethora of educational opportunities, there is very little with the focus on cross-discipline education and training.


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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0multiplelearningeducationspecialtiescompetencyphysiciansstudypracticeopportunitiesDespitephysiciancontinualfocusedcertificationmotivationboardperformedexpertisemedicineprocesscross-disciplineINTRODUCTION:increasingspecializationhigh-qualitycontinuingprofessionaldevelopmentneededmasteryespeciallyBoardconsideredsurrogatestakeholdersconsidersuboptimallyalignedprimarypurposesetexplorecontinuedcompetencecertifiedMETHODS:qualitativeusingthematicanalysisSemistructuredinterviewsvirtuallyLandscapesextensioncommunitieswithinsocioculturaltheoryusedtheoreticalframeworkRESULTS:Fifteeninternistsrelatedsubspecialtiesperformingcompletedidentifiedsixthemesdescribingunderlyingmaintainmedicalspecialties:SocialresponsibilityPromiseEnhancedjobWidenedProfessionalrequirementsPersonalfulfillmentDISCUSSION:landscapecontinuesevolvepracticednavigatesmaintainingcontinuouslifelongwaysportioninternalmotivatedrecognizingchallengesinvolvedpracticalapplicationincludeorganizational-basedhybridexplicitlyfocusingoverlappingfieldsplethoraeducationallittlefocustrainingChallengesContemporaryPractice:InternistsMaintainingCompetencyMultipleSpecialties

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