Alejandro Gil-Mart��nez, Alejandro Rabad��n-Parra, David Ca��ete-Rebenaque, Jos�� Luis G��mez-Tornero
This paper presents a dataset based on Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) and the use of smartphones for vehicle localization and tracking. An antenna system formed by eight directive panel antennas forming a crossed array is mounted on an electronic toll collection (ETC) gateway, at a height of 4.75���m, facing downwards illuminating a two-lane road. The system was first calibrated in an 8���m �� 8���m area below the gateway, measuring the RSSI (Received Signal Strength Indicator) data captured by a smartphone. Then, a second set of data is constructed from different performed tests, in which the RSSI is acquired from a smartphone inside a vehicle which passes below the gateway conducting Stop&Go and 20 Km/h tests. As a validation of the dataset, a benchmark analysis for data visualization and localization/tracking is included, where three different algorithms (amplitude-monopulse comparison, MUltiple SIgnal Classification, and fingerprinting) used the calibrated data to track the location of the smartphone inside the vehicle in the different performed tests.