An electronic toll collection gateway BLE RSSI dataset for localization of smartphones in vehicular scenarios.

Alejandro Gil-Mart��nez, Alejandro Rabad��n-Parra, David Ca��ete-Rebenaque, Jos�� Luis G��mez-Tornero
Author Information
  1. Alejandro Gil-Mart��nez: Universidad Polit��cnica de Cartagena, Cartagena, Spain. ORCID
  2. Alejandro Rabad��n-Parra: Universidad Polit��cnica de Cartagena, Cartagena, Spain.
  3. David Ca��ete-Rebenaque: Universidad Polit��cnica de Cartagena, Cartagena, Spain.
  4. Jos�� Luis G��mez-Tornero: Universidad Polit��cnica de Cartagena, Cartagena, Spain.


This paper presents a dataset based on Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) and the use of smartphones for vehicle localization and tracking. An antenna system formed by eight directive panel antennas forming a crossed array is mounted on an electronic toll collection (ETC) gateway, at a height of 4.75���m, facing downwards illuminating a two-lane road. The system was first calibrated in an 8���m �� 8���m area below the gateway, measuring the RSSI (Received Signal Strength Indicator) data captured by a smartphone. Then, a second set of data is constructed from different performed tests, in which the RSSI is acquired from a smartphone inside a vehicle which passes below the gateway conducting Stop&Go and 20 Km/h tests. As a validation of the dataset, a benchmark analysis for data visualization and localization/tracking is included, where three different algorithms (amplitude-monopulse comparison, MUltiple SIgnal Classification, and fingerprinting) used the calibrated data to track the location of the smartphone inside the vehicle in the different performed tests.


  1. Sensors (Basel). 2015 Dec 23;16(1): [PMID: 26703620]
  2. Sensors (Basel). 2021 May 21;21(11): [PMID: 34064147]
  3. Sensors (Basel). 2021 May 17;21(10): [PMID: 34067813]

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0gatewaydatadatasetvehicleRSSIsmartphonedifferenttestsBLEsmartphoneslocalizationsystemelectronictollcollectioncalibrated8���mperformedinsidepaperpresentsbasedBluetoothLowEnergyusetrackingantennaformedeightdirectivepanelantennasformingcrossedarraymountedETCheight475���mfacingdownwardsilluminatingtwo-laneroadfirst��areameasuringReceivedSignalStrengthIndicatorcapturedsecondsetconstructedacquiredpassesconductingStop&Go20Km/hvalidationbenchmarkanalysisvisualizationlocalization/trackingincludedthreealgorithmsamplitude-monopulsecomparisonMUltipleSIgnalClassificationfingerprintingusedtracklocationvehicularscenarios

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