The Open Plant Imaging Archive (OPIA) is data repository for collecting, archiving, managing and sharing plant images. We invite you to share your images and data in this repository.
Dataset submission

Describing your images

Inorder to be searchable, each image dataset will be entered into the database with specific information that allows its identification during a user’s search. To aid in the annotation process, we ask that you supply us with as much information as you can about your images, including:

  1. Biological Source (organism, cultivar information, tissue, etc. if applicable)
  2. Biological Context (e.g., plants health condition, plant traits, imaging geographic location)
  3. Equipment used (e.g., microscope manufacturer, objective with NA, camera, confocal)
  4. Related publications (we welcome submitting both published and unpublished images.)
  5. Magnification of image (either a scale bar or a note with microns/pixel)
  6. Please include your contact information to allow the annotators to get in touch with you if they have any further questions about the image. This contact information will not be made public.

Submitting your datasets

Please e-mail OPIA admin at for assistance.

Citing your datasets

Any successful submitted datasets will be assigned a unique accession staring with 'OPIA'. Users are required to citing the data accession and related articles.

Any questions please e-mail at for assistance.