Machine Learning Models
Rice Yield Estimation

An intelligent web tool for predicting individual rice yield per plant by deep convolutional neural networks.

Wheat Head Estimation

An online web tool for predicting the number of wheat heads, which has been pre-trained using the GWHD2020 dataset.

Rice Varieties Identification

An intelligent tool for identifying variety of 93 rice cultivars by deep convolutional neural networks, which has been trained using the WGSR dataset.

Image Pre-processing Tools
Image Cropping

Image cropping can determine the target object within a small range, thereby reducing computational damage. This tool supports batch cropping of images.

Image Resizing

Image resizing can adjust the size of a single image or compressed image package to the target size. This tool supports batch resizing of images.

Image Flipping

Image flipping is one of the data augmentation methods used to increase the diversity of the dataset. This tool supports batch flipping of images.

Image Denoising

Image denoising automatically calculates the type of noise in the image and selects the appropriate denoise algorithm for denoising.

Image Partitioning

Data partitioning divides the original dataset into training set and testing set according to the label category and training set ratio.