Lili Dong


Genome Sequence Archive

Email: donglili (AT)

Tel: +86 (10) 8409-7816


  • Engineer, Beijing Institute of Genomics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS),Beijing, China, 2009−Present


  • MS in Operation Research and Cybernetics, Beijing University of Technology, China, 2009

  • BS in Informatics and Computational Mathematics, Liaoning University of Technology, China, 2006


  • Computational genomics

  • Machine learning and algorithm designing

  • Cancer genomics

  • Database system development


  • CasTech(The analytic tools for cancer genomics)

  • The ICGC-TCGA Somatic Mutation Challenge

  • Liver cancer(Heterogeneity analysis in the space-time evolution of the primary liver cancer)

  • Colon cancer(Analysis of new suppressor genes in colon cancer by whole exome sequencing)

  • ANKL(Pathogenic mechanism research of aggressive natural killer cell leukemia)

  • AML(Radiation Therapy-related AML)


  1. Tao Y, Ruan J, Shiou-Hwei Y, Lu X, Wang Y, Zhai W, Cai J, Ling S, Gong Q, Chong Z, Qu Z, Li Q, Liu J, Yang J, Zheng C, Zeng C, Hurng-Yi W, Zhang J, Sheng-Han W, Hao L, Dong L, Li W, Sun M, Zou W, Yu C, Li C, Liu G, Jiang L, Xu J, Huang H, Li C, Mi S, Zhang B, Chen B, Zhao W, Hu S, Shi-Mei Z, Shen Y, Shi S, Brown C, Kevin PW, Ding-Shinn C, Pei-Jer C, Wu CI: Rapid growth of a hepatocellular carcinoma and the driving mutations revealed by cell-population genetic analysis of whole-genome dataProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 2011, 108(29):12042-12047. [PMID=21730188]

  2. Ling S, Hu Z, Yang Z, Yang F, Li Y, Lin P, Chen K, Dong L, Cao L, Tao Y, Hao L, Chen Q, Gong Q, Wu D, Li W, Zhao W, Tian X, Hao C, Hungate EA, Catenacci DV, Hudson RR, Li WH, Lu X, Wu CI: Extremely high genetic diversity in a single tumor points to prevalence of non-Darwinian cell evolutionProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2015, 112(47):E6496-6505. [PMID=26561581]

  3. Zhu X, He F, Zeng H, Ling S, Chen A, Wang Y, Yan X, Wei W, Pang Y, Cheng H, Hua C, Zhang Y, Yang X, Lu X, Cao L, Hao L, Dong L, Zou W, Wu J, Li X, Zheng S, Yan J, Zhou J, Zhang L, Mi S, Wang X, Zhang L, Zou Y, Chen Y, Geng Z, Wang J, Zhou J, Liu X, Wang J, Yuan W, Huang G, Cheng T, Wang QF: Identification of functional cooperative mutations of SETD2 in human acute leukemiaNature genetics 2014, 46(3):287-293. [PMID=24509477]