Detail information of coffea_canephora

Organism name:   Coffea canephora

Cultivar:   DH200=94

Bioproject:   PRJEB4211

Submitter:   Genoscope CEA

Year:   2014

Assembly level:   Chromosome

Sequencing technology   454; Illumina

Genome coverage   30x

Total sequence length:   568,611,505 bp

chromosomes and scaffolds:   11 chromosomes and 12996 scaffolds

Scaffold N50:   29,137,935 bp

median GC content(%):   30.38

Denoeud F, Carretero-Paulet L, Dereeper A, et al. The coffee genome provides insight into the convergent evolution of caffeine biosynthesis. Science. 2014;345(6201):1181-1184. doi:10.1126/science.1255274 [OpenLBID: OLB-PM-25190796]

Chrom Size(Mb) GC% Gene
chr1 38.193400000000004 29.0763 2,198
chr10 27.624748 30.1454 1,653
chr11 33.540656000000006 30.2666 1,753
chr2 54.522928 31.097 4,000
chr3 32.030951 28.5124 1,632
chr4 28.191985 29.7382 1,727
chr5 29.137935000000002 29.6178 1,661
chr6 37.293965 30.7745 2,389
chr7 29.833119999999997 30.8703 2,146
chr8 31.585744 29.2381 1,718
chr9 22.352177 29.2888 1,094
Unplace 204.303896 31.1208 3,603
