One-stop Analyze

CIRIquant:circRNA_bsj.csv/CIRI2:please download as a reference to merge the outfiles. Input file format:  csv matrix. !The first column of circRNA_bsj.csv is position ID of circRNAs, like chr10:100164004|100178162.
CIRIquant:gene_counts.csv/HISAT2+StringTie(with -B), deal_gene as a pipeline to generate the count file. Input file format:  csv matrix. !The first column of gene_counts.csv is gene ID of genes, like CDR1.
The file should contain the following columns: Sample ID, total reads, mapping reads and group information(normal vs. tumor, C vs. T, normal vs. cancer). Input file format:  csv matrix. !library_info.csv should include(Sample,Total,Mapped,Group) columns.

CIRIquant:circRNA_de.csv.Differential expression analysis for circRNAs was preformed by CIRIquant. If you haven't preformed this step, CIRI-hub will do this step in Advanced: DE-circRNA module. Input file format:  csv matrix
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