Accession PRJCA008897
Title The gut microbiome of FMT piglets
Relevance Agricultural
Data types Metagenome
Organisms Clostridioides difficile
Phocaeicola plebeius
Description The gut microbiome in jejunum and rectum of FMT piglets
Sample scope Environment
Release date 2022-08-16
Agency program Grant ID Grant title
Chongqing Scientific Research Institute Performance Incentive and Guidance Special Project cstc2019jxjl80019
Submitter Jing    Sun  (
Organization Chongqing Academy of Animal Sciences
Submission date 2022-03-30

Project Data

Resource name Description
BioSample (10)  show -
GSA (1) -
CRA006510 The gut microbiome of FMT piglets