Accession SAMC703591
Sample name FMT_1F
Title FMT_1F
Sample type Metagenome or environmental sample
Organism Clostridioides difficile
Description Total genomic DNA was extracted from 200mg of rectual content of FMT_1F piglet using the QIAamp DNA stool mini kit. Genomic DNA was visualized on 1% agarose gels and determined using an Covaris M220. Libraries were generated and sequenced on the Illumina Hiseq 2500 (2x150bp) using NovaSeq Reagent Kits/HiSeq X Reagent Kits
Isolation sourceRectum
Collection date2019-12-10
Geographic locationChina: Chongqing, Rongchang
Latitude and longitude29.24N 105.36W
Reference for biomaterial
Relationship to oxygen
Sample collection device or method
Sample material processing
Sample size
source material identifiers
Release date 2022-08-16
BioProject Accession PRJCA008897
Submitter Jing  Sun  (
Organization Chongqing Academy of Animal Sciences
Submission date 2022-04-01

Sample Data

Resource name Description
GSA (1) -
CRA006510 The gut microbiome of FMT piglets