Accession PRJCA008997
Title Single-cell transcriptional atlas of the macaque across the embryonic cortical layers development
Relevance Developmental neurobiology
Data types Transcriptome or Gene expression
Single cell sequencing
Organisms Macaca mulatta
Description The transcriptional regulation of neocortical neurogenesis remains limited understood in humans and closely related non-human primates. Rhesus macaque cortical development recapitulates multiple facets of that of human brain, including complex composition of neural stem cells and thicker upper-layer neurons, so we collected samples and performed single-cell seq by BD Rhapsody from parietal lobe of rhesus macaque at E40, E50, E70, E80 and E90 , spanning the whole embryonic neurogenesis, and generated a transcriptome atlas of the developing rhesus macaque neocortex.
Sample scope Single cell
Release date 2024-09-04
Agency program Grant ID Grant title
CAMS(Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences) CAMS Innovation Fund for Medical Sciences 2021-I2M-1-024 CIFMS2021-I2M-1-024
CAMS(Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences) CAMS Innovation Fund for Medical Sciences 2021-I2M-1-019 CIFMS2021-I2M-1-019
Submitter Longjiang    Xu  (
Organization Peking union medical college
Submission date 2022-03-09

Project Data

Resource name Description
BioSample (8)  show -
GSA (1) -
CRA007718 Temporal transcriptomic dynamics in developing macaque neocortex