Accession PRJCA016958
Title Gut-Microbiome Features in Chinese Colon Polyps Patients
Relevance Medical
Data types Metagenome
Metagenomic assembly
Organisms human gut metagenome
Description Preliminary Study on the Disease-Specific and Gender-Dependent Gut-Microbiome Features in Chinese Colon Polyps Patients
Sample scope Environment
Release date 2023-05-13
Agency program Grant ID Grant title
College of Public Health, Shandong University 21320061330000
Submitter Ming Liu (
Organization Jinan Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention
Submission date 2023-05-13

Project Data

Resource name Description
BioSample (78)  show -
GSA (1) -
CRA011058 A 16S amplicon project for Gut-Microbiome Features in Chinese Colon Polyps Patients