Accession PRJCA017942
Title Reconstitution of Pluripotency from Mouse Fibroblast through Sall4 Overexpression
Relevance Medical
Data types Transcriptome or Gene expression
Organisms Mus musculus
Description Somatic cells can be reprogrammed into pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) by overexpressing defined transcription factors. Specifically, OCT4 single factor overexpression has been shown to reprogram mouse fibroblasts into iPSCs. Yet, whether other single factor can induce iPSCs from fibroblasts remains unknown. Here, we demonstrate that, under an optimized reprogramming medium iCD4, SALL4 alone is capable to reprogram mouse fibroblast into iPSCs. Mechanistically, SALL4 inhibits somatic genes and activates pluripotent genes (Rsk1, Esrrb and Tfap2c) to facilitate reprogramming. Furthermore, we show that co-overexpressing SALL4 and OCT4 enhances reprogramming efficiency synergistically. In detail, SALL4-activated Rsk1/Esrrb/Tfap2c, OCT4-activated Sox2, SALL4-suppressed Nkx6.1, and OCT4-suppressed Sbsn cooperate to facilitate SALL4/OCT4-mediated reprogramming. Overall, our study establishes an efficient method for iPSCs induction using SALL4 single factor, and provides insights into the synergistic effects of SALL4 and OCT4 during somatic cell reprogramming.
Sample scope Monoisolate
Release date 2023-06-27
PubMed ID Article title Journal name DOI Year
39737935 Reconstitution of pluripotency from mouse fibroblast through Sall4 overexpression Nature Communications 10.1038/s41467-024-54924-5 2024
Agency program Grant ID Grant title
Ministry of Science and Technology of the People's Republic of China (MOST) National Key Technologies R&D Program 2016YFA0101800
Submitter Jing Liu (
Organization Guangzhou Institutes of Biomedicine and Health, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Submission date 2023-06-27

Project Data

Resource name Description
BioSample (111)  show -
GSA (2) -
CRA018723 Reconstitution of Pluripotency from Mouse Fibroblast through Sall4 Overexpression Part two
CRA011624 Reconstitution of Pluripotency from Mouse Fibroblast through Sall4 Overexpression