样本编号 SAMC1680733
外部数据库编号 GSA-Human: HRS171775
样品名称 PAX6_rep2
样本标题 LSC_rep6
样品类型 Human sample
物种名称 Homo sapiens
描述信息 NONE
样本属性 *由于样本关联的数据集HRA000881尚未在科技部完成人类遗传资源信息备案,本页面只展示部分样本信息。
发布日期 2021-06-01
项目编号 PRJCA005255
提交者 Hong  Ouyang  (Ouyhong3@mail.sysu.edu.cn)
提交单位 Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center, Sun Yat-sen University
提交日期 2023-06-18


资源名称 描述
GSA-Human (1) -
HRA000881  (Open Access) Adult stem cell identity, plasticity, and homeostasis are precisely orchestrated by lineage-restricted epigenetic and transcriptional regulatory networks. Here, by integrating super-enhancer and chromatin accessibility landscapes, we delineate core transcription regulatory circuitries (CRCs) of limbal stem/progenitor cells (LSCs) and find that RUNX1 and SMAD3 are required for maintenance of the corneal epithelial identity and homeostasis. RUNX1 or SMAD3 depletion inhibits PAX6 and induces LSCs to differentiate into epidermal-like type. RUNX1, PAX6 and SMAD3 (RPS) interact with each other and synergistically establish a CRC to govern the lineage-specific cis-regulatory atlas. Moreover, RUNX1 shapes LSC chromatin architecture via modulating H3K27ac deposition. Disturbance of RPS cooperation results in cell identity switching and dysfunction of the corneal epithelium, which is strongly linked to various human corneal diseases.
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